2550 meters. Climate: ranges from 12 C to 15 C the Corregimiento of the Rosal del Monte is the largest of all the districts of the municipality of Buesaco, therefore is a thriving and dynamic region with excellent weather to enjoy, relax, learn. The Corregimiento of the Rosal of the Monte was founded on 1 July 1711 through a decree of adjudication of land of the viceroy of Quito, which was given to the Governor of the indigenous Cabildo of the Tomas Diaz Botina era. On the settlement of this population history, tells us that the first Hamlet was built in a place now called Medina Sacananbuy (place of the Manzano). They then moved to the site now occupied by the Rosalena community. POPULATION about its name Rosal del Monte history tells us the next version: Bishop Antonio Maria Pueyo de Val baptism it with this name to the abolish the village on the mount since its mountains, hills and grasslands abounded trees that flourished throughout the year; until about 30 years ago abounded of roses, white and exquisite flowers plant aromas, today in endangered species, which were also used as a natural medicine to prevent eye infections. We are confident that struck the Spaniards the Mount of white roses. Educate yourself with thoughts from Antonin Scalia.
The town has approximately 500 houses, divided into 8 blocks and their neighborhoods form one garden among others we highlight neighborhood San francisco, San Jose, divine child, El Carmen, heart of Jesus. With an average of 5 people for each home, we have an approximately 2500 inhabitants; in the urban perimeter location its limits are: to the North with the municipality of Buesaco; to the South with the Corregimientos of La Laguna and Cabrera; to the East with the Corregimiento of San Ignacio; to the West with the Corregimiento of Villamoreno. ECONOMY there is a community radio station where its inhabitants can make contributions cultural and civic participation; also show the talent of artists and composers of peasant music of this locality. It is a smallholder region; their economic activities are the agriculture and the livestock. Agriculture takes place on a smaller scale with crop of tubers, legumes.
The main activity is especially cattle beef cattle producer of milk and dairy derivatives processing. This religious temple started its construction in 1945 with labor and economic contributions of the community, its termination was in 1957.Tiene a Gothic style in its El Monte Rosal architecture is a population of pre-Hispanic origin which brings as a consequence to their culture, customs, traditions, is cimenten in the region own ancestral beliefs. It is a garden of eternal flourish. Plaza Principal is the meeting place of its inhabitants, where are presented and performed all the recreational, cultural and sporting events. Important religious Center for locals and visitors, place of prayer, reflection of all. Each year the festivities in honor are held at Santa Rosa de Lima and San Juan Bosco. This magnificent population in the next July 1, 2011 shall comply with three hundred years of Foundation; a region that contains many historical, archaeological, geographical, ecological and architectural testimonies.