directly on the wallpaper. However, on appeal to buyers with a combination lock safes similar circumstances have no effect. And although the key locks in our country is still – the most popular, the demand for iron storage, equipped with combination locks (especially electronic), recently began to increase significantly. True, electronics and can be equipped with safe deposit boxes, which prove to be a cheap Chinese imitation. In this case, you should not deceive ourselves: how to be cool or look like a safe deposit box, it is useless. For an experienced bear hunter open it not be difficult.
Council. Those who do not want to be among the victims, to provide better potential problems in advance. And to begin with – to ask not only the main characteristics of the chosen model safe, but also how it is equipped with a lock. Foreign and large domestic manufacturers of safes locks are world-renowned professionals in the field – German and American firms Mauer Sargent & Greenleaf, who dominate the safe deposit market for over 100 years. In addition to these manufacturers high reliability and accuracy of operation differ as locks and German firms Cawi Stuv, and American La Gard. You may want to purchase safe, equipped with both code and key lock (safety net). Having complete with safe, two keys, one of them hide, but not in the safe. Despite the obviousness of this warning, many do so. If your safe equipped with a combination lock, try to remember the code associated with something known and familiar to you, or save by hiding this information in a safe place.