The infantile celebrations in Mexico and anywhere of the world require novel and original elements in their organization, animation, shows, who will be the step to follow in the following generations of parents. The celebration of your son approaches, you become crazy with the preparations, but mainly with the search of that special element that does that your son, and by their position your guests, never forget this celebration. A celebration of Giant Soap Bubbles is without a doubt a shining idea! A fundamental element of any infantile celebration, is birthday, communion, baptism, and all those events that we wished to celebrate are the spectacle, the unforgettable moment with which our small ones will amuse yque it will mark in his east memory so special day. The Bubble Art is a tendency ligature to the circus arts that a great welcome in countries like the United States, Spain, England has had and in Latin America in countries like Argentina. The Fabrika de Burbujas introduces east novel spectacle in Mexico and ally to Sorpresitas one young Mexican company dedicated to the heading of the organization of infantile events offers to the Mexican parents the possibility of enchanting to their guests of all the ages in a fantastic soap world.
To be within a great soap bubble? To create bubbles with our own body? Bubbles with smoke? Bubbles within other bubbles? these artists teach to us as to create them and as they themselves notice " to it; people in charge do not become of which the papas invade the zone of burbujas" then when passing of the show the parents seize of the original elements that these artists have created to produce bubbles of all the sizes. And if it is not possible that these artists go to your celebration, here we presented/displayed some ideas to you to realise your own formula for bubbles. Mixture: 10 Parts of water 1 Part of liquid soap, the used one to wash 1/2 frets is ideal Part of Glycerin, that you can obtain in any pharmacy. If you let the mixture rest by one night it will have better results, and the ideal climate is that one that presents/displays major humidity. The burbujeros you can create them with wire, a hook of clothes that no longer serve to which you can give the wildest forms him, with an old coslope of kitchen and everything what your creativity suggests to you. It finds more ideas in Infantile Celebrations in Mexico Sorpresitas. Original author and source of the article.