Angel Miguel

But, the gift, worries us the future, or constrange us passed. Therefore the basic virtue is the aptitude to live the current moment fully: That your proper being in the action, as the mother is in the son: either this your word regarding the virtue! ' ' (BARRENECHEA, of Angel Miguel. Nietzsche and Freedom P. 118-119). It is perceived in this way that the action of this new man is sedimented in the pure will, is for this reason we can in thesis affirm that the characteristics of this new man in Nietzsche can very be well delineated through the energy, of the intellect and the pride, but to these situations it agrees that well they are harmonized cultivated for the one beyond the man who if is similar as a great gardener. Nietzsche is a great transforming human being, considers for the men a ticket that must be reached to reach it of a new time, Beyond – the Man.

When impersonateing the ways for this necessary free evolution and adentra dancing in a return the integrant actions of the dionisaco spirit, thus the superior man can surpass any moral conviction, has seen that this exceeds any type and way of conviction, its spirit not this more in the past, but so present that esva to any Christian Metaphysical rule. In way clearly, the freedom in Nietzsche alone is reached in the pure acceptance of that it exists. The freedom in this way is something singular to each body, the indication properly said becomes in it you what really you are thus each individual starts to indicate its proper way, its proper norm taking care of the borders of its nature repeats what really it is. (NIETZSCHE, W. Freidrich. Dawn P. 17-23). For deductive ways, we can think that Nietzsche when treating in its philosophy the question of the freedom hidden for detrs of the origin of the tragedy of the perpetual return and the mouth of its proper Zaratustra clearly demonstrates in way the question of the moral as I propagate of domination of the forts on the weak ones, for this disdains all the question of this release of where the authentic value of the morality he is its badly that in the truth it is a great one well, therefore, it demystifies all the question that is forgotten for the philosophical tradition in prominence to the proper socrtico moralismo and later to the crucificado one.


For the profit of the goals and objectives in our lives, congruence between which tenth, we thought and we do he is essential. When what you say it does not agree and so beams you lose energy, you lose credibility. When what you ask to him to the Universe with your words this misty reason why you really think about your interior, the things that you wish to not arrived you. The coherence between which you say with your words, you think about your mind and beams in the real world when you act, only become a ray of powerful light that transfers a prism and ignites the flame of the manifestation in the pages of your life, when the three aim and they are aligned towards a same place, towards a same objective. In an opportunity it was with a friend, and it asks to him that it thought about the women and quickly responded to me: The women? All is brujas” , this friend no matter how hard he tries to have a pair and he makes many affirmations positive would cost to him much to have a harmonic relation and heals with which in his unconscious one he thinks that she is a sorceress! you imagine! , also I have listened in infinity of very near friendly opportunities requesting to the universe the love to him of their lives, but they cause when them, show ” abiertamente; the men are dogs, or are animal ” , thus very textually, then As the Universe is going to conspire to the profit of the love with similar unconscious thoughts dancing in mind and its heart? Also it happens to the money and the financial success, often the person who does not manage to rise over which we would denominate survival level, is so that in their interior the thoughts about the money are opposed and contradictory with its deep beliefs and values but. That to do then? Like obtaining congruence in mind, words and action? Definitively with the car-observation.

Faculty that we have the human beings to act like quiet witnesses of our thoughts, action and words. It begins to observe your thoughts with respect to a vitally important subject for you. antalos in a newspaper, mainly those subtle ones, those that are constantly bombing your psique and that of as much run, run nor at least it give account to you of which they exist, but are undermining your capacity for the profit of your goals, those thoughts that, the comparison is worth, are like a conditioned air noisy, you are accustomed to the noise and you think that it does not exist, but the noise this there, interfering in your dream. The autoobservacin allows us to put brake to those ideas that fall incessantly dripping in our mind and allows that we maintain the boat directed to good port. The car-observation allows us to take measures and action to heal the internal and external contradictions. The car observation you can practice it through the meditation. But better even, obsrvate constantly, escchate when you speak, observe your thoughts, it observes your actions, and it needs if really there is congruence between which you ask to him to the universe and what beams and you say. #/topic.php?

Decorate Small Departments

Curtains for you! You do not have to live with blinds standard. Year a dramatic touch and obtains more comfortable atmospheres with the curtains. It takes into account the tricks that can do with the curtains so that its space is seen greater. It even hangs them outside the window or where there are no windows.

It hangs them of ground to ceiling to create the height perception, or to cause that they hang of a cornice that hides the twig that maintains the curtain. 2. To see clearly. Tables or chairs I am transparent and all the glass surfaces give the opening impression, at the same time acting as that you need. 3. Clear things. Year light it arrives, down and everything around to create interest and the space sensation. ” I am addict car-confessing to lmparas” , it says to the designer Rum Marvin, expert in small spaces and author of small space, great style.

” They are the most surprising form to make feel a warm and cosy home. The use of several lamps within a space creates a warm brilliance in habitacin”. And its trick more important: One does not forget to put everything in a regulator. ” When you have you visit of friendly can change an atmosphere by means of the regulation of the lights, doing it more cosy. Also, it will maintain dancing his seen around the room, giving the illusion of which more the space is grande.” 4. To maintain the balance. Unless you are trying to make a declaration dramatic, with an immense sofa in the room, its small space, probably she feels better with smaller and modern furniture. It is balance question. The departments that really are seen greater with the furniture in them they are those in which the furniture and the space appropriate and are fit to you: ” If you are great, the furniture also must be it, ” Marvin says.

The Trajectory

The trajectory of Zulma Lobato in the world of the chimento, began in a cable channel of the news. By his bad image and terrible performance in the song one became pearlite of almost all the dedicated programs to collect the peculiarities of tele. The last week, the journalist of spectacles Susana Roccasalvo in its channel program 26, summoned to Lobato to living of its program, in which also was Mitch, another mediatic personage, who at all the moment tried to Zulma of man; the answer of this one went to attack it blows in front of the cameras. After showing the hidden camera to him, that did Saturday the past to him in Passion of Saturday, the bailantero Ricky Wonder began to strike the actors who participated in this joke. Ricky struck the participants of the camera hides when they dealed with ” gatos” to his ” Rikytas”. Neither the conductor Hernn Cairo nor his companion, Marcela Baths, could think what he was happening live, by America. Although no longer it is in the air the program Dancing by Sueo (today it absents of the screen), the chimenteros cycles must adapt to the course change of ShowMatch, that now that turns 20 years and has bet to humor.

Thus, with renovation winds, Guido Suller reappeared, that in the program ” The Professionals of Siempre” he presented/displayed his supposed son of 20 years, whom knew through Facebook. Supposed paternity that was verified false, the past Saturday to the night in program 70.20.10, lead by Chiche Gelblung. In this televising cycle, Guido Suller confirmed that although it finished verifying that was not its biological son, in it would adopt the future it and take care of like so. Entr to I Vote to you and dull by your they fan!


If not yet you have no plan for September, you do not lose the Merc, supervisory celebration of Barcelona. This celebration, that dismisses of explosive form the summer and gives the welcome to the autumn, goes back to 1871 and takes place every year the 24 of September. The Merc is a festival of festivales. Almost the 600 activities that take place throughout four days distribute in several sections: Barcelona Musical Acci: more than 100 concerts in a ten of scenes of ciudadBarcelona Arts de Carrer: art in calleLa Festa of the Tradici: castellers, giants and cabezudosLa Festa to the Cel: an aerial festival acrobatics, globes, ultralight the Festa of the Foc: Piromusical, Correfoc There is something for all the pleasures: music, dances, educative exhibitions, activities, factories, spectacles of all type, and the religious ceremonies that give sense to the celebrations. The Correfoc, one of the most showy events, is a frequent cultural manifestation between the Mediterranean towns in which a group of disguised people of demons they run at dusk by the streets, dancing and jumping between fireworks. Thousands of people approach to enjoy this unfolding pyrotechnics that full of powder and noise the streets of the Beautiful Ciutat, protecting itself with handkerchiefs of the sparks that loosen the devils. Another one of the popular manifestations is castellers, human towers that reach vertiginous heights and whose top rises a boy.

These towers require a great coordination and preparation of equipment and are a surprising spectacle. In order to facilitate the attendance to the events nocturnes, the meter will work during all night during the days that last the celebrations. If you want to enjoy one of the most popular festivales, you can recommend all type of hotels in Barcelona: for example, the Abba Boulevard Hotel ***, with double rooms by 75, or or the hotel Rooms Las Ramblas, from 65 by room.