A productive life is a true reflection of a purpose strong and adhering to the will of an individual. Our everyday perception of events indicates that the circumstances of a man in this universe are changing and always offer challenges and unforeseen situations. Precisely because of this many people go through a temporary disorientation and rather than dig in on a specific purpose as few goals and objectives is concerned, allow that an apparent conspiracy of events are removed from the game leaving those weak purposes that went to a certain place and end up partially or totally abandoning dreams and many of them are committed to suffer a serious depression. In previous articles define our mind as the composition of two fundamental parts which are: the conscious part that through the five senses takes recognition of the medium that I live and whose fundamental function is to think and our unconscious or subconscious part which is formally defined as a program of repeated thoughts and acts and/or intense emotions that executes actions in any human being and which obliges follow them doing. Well the unconscious part as indicates this definition atua as head of our behavior and controls our actions and reactions to events and events of daily life in more than 95%. For this reason although life give us from the outside or better say outside of our mind a wide range of positive or negative developments finally is in us pass by them by selecting the best that we can offer and discarding what they want us to affect our behavior and our emotional and mental peace. Every day we’re getting a series of information in words, images, sounds and feelings. But much of this information is unintentional. I.e. of the media: tv, radio, newspapers, and negative people that influence our environment ambient work, personal and family.
Month: February 2013
The theme of the wealth has been a quite controversial topic because for years has been considered that prosperity is almost synonymous with sin for many people, this has caused many people to have feelings of guilt preventing them to experience a life full of material achievements. It is mentioned that some people relate poverty almost as a virtue, that is a wrong concept, and while you follow with this partnership its life will be destined to experience shortages. In the book I am happy, I am Rico of Andrew Corentt you learn the essential concepts so that you can get rid of sins that prevent a lifetime of material achievements, by reading this book you will learn techniques that will enable you to act with great power and thus achieve all of the goals you want. that this is vital information. Education plays a crucial role to achieve that people practice concepts that will help them to have a consciousness of abundance, the problem has been that current teachings are not geared to transmit to people timely knowledge that enable them to real triumphs. As second factor see the attitude, this is transcendental, without attitude and desire for change, we are not facing the possibility of improving our lives, for example I have visited rural areas of my country and I find that people has large plots in their homes that have no crops or fruit trees, vegetables, or basic grains and have over 30 years of living in that placeWe also see the dirt, if we seek labor for certain activities is not quiet many people in their homes, pitifully in underdeveloped countries has been with appalling practices of everything giving people for nothing, this is a harmful practice, persons become dependent and do not want to make any effort to get out of the situation in which they are, this is not a generalized assertion because also be hardworking people and they really want to overcome and no doubt succeed. .
THE DANCE OF THE DOVES. SELECTED BY CONTEST INTERNATIONAL FOR POETS AND CONTEMPORARY STORYTELLERS 2007 ANTHOLOGY PUBLISHING HOUSE OF THE FOUR WINDS. Buenos Aires 2007. Lili revolved, her skirt curled like the wings of doves who continued their vertiginous warpage. Their hands they fell light sowing the seeds that would feed the more astute and hasty.
Those moments were the happiest day, then came the obligations of the orphanage, the toilet, studies, rigid discipline. The only thing that disturbed in its flight of freedom was the gaze of a beggar who used to curl up in the driveway that gave to the courtyard of the convent and looked at her shocked. The image of Lili giving feed the pigeons while executing his dance from an ungraspable and mysterious music fascinated him. But she was still with her ritual, knew that it was harmless. When the church bells sounded at noon ended the magic of the game. Father Jaime was down from the Tower, where it had its rooms, took her hand and together they were going to the meeting of the other orphan, it was time for lunch. The beggar felt that opacaba the Sun, the day was losing its luster, pigeons no longer danced, wandered without direction, emitting irritating sounds to then take shelter on the roof of the orphanage and the dome of the Church. The years passed, the beggar saw the splendor of the girl in his youth, their games with the pigeons seemed a beautiful painting of the spring. But there was something discordant in this series of images that he had observed for years, when father Jaime came to find it already not took her hand and she conveyed the rigidity of a statue, submissive I was going along with him, the darkness of the day began at that moment.
Mushroom Sauce
Very good day greetings to all, he was looking for a good recipe and after finding it I wanted to share with you, is why today I bring you this delicious and easy recipe for gnocchi in mushroom sauce, an excellent choice to learn how to cook easy recipes and enjoy with the whole family. This recipe is for 6 to 8 people. Ingredients for the recipe for gnocchi in mushroom sauce: gnocchi dough 1 kilo of boiled potato 1 pinch of grated nutmeg 2 tablespoons salt 2 cups all-purpose flour 2 cups of sauce bechamel 100 grams of dried mushrooms 1 egg preparation of gnocchi recipe at mushroom sauce: in a bowl, place made cooked potato pureeAdd flour, egg, nutmeg, salt, knead well and form rolls not so thick, that are cut into pieces of two fingers wide, more or less. Pass the fork to form hairlines, then add them in boiling water and when begin to float to remove them. Add the dried mushrooms previously hydrated, chopped or blended to the bechamel sauce. Mix well. Serve with the sauce, Sprinkle cheese, it can be accompanied with grated cheese. Sauces recipes, are a few of my favorites, I invite you to visit my recipe and enjoy delicious easy recipes as the sauces for meat and the ribs with barbecue sauce.