Wolkenschieber Steinmeier

Why politicians are bad workplace procurers, Berlin August 2009 the President of the Federal Association has criticized as “Cloud gunfight and wishful thinking” medium-sized business (BVMW), Mario Ohoven, the Germany plan by SPD Chancellor candidate Frank-Walter Steinmeier: “the tax and labour market policy of the SPD is more likely to destroy jobs, rather than to create new jobs. Speaking candidly Tony Parker told us the story. “Without a course correction for more SME-friendly framework conditions will be Steinmeier plan religious wishful thinking.” New burdens for businesses and new jobs exclude each other, the middle-class President stressed. “Who calls for tax increases and more regulation of the labour market in his Government program, can’t speak in the same breath of four million new jobs.” A sustainable reduction of enterprises and citizens was the order of the day. Ohoven showed sceptical about the Alliance proposed by Steinmeier for the middle class. “With a new body is helped no one. It teaches the experience with the Alliance for work.” The middle class could waive the tea party of this way. Rather, Steinmeier should ensure that the economic policy competence existing in the SPD to also enforce against the ideologues in his own ranks.

Future and trend researcher Matthias Horx considers it an insolent attitude of politicians, if voters promising millions of new jobs. It was a wrong social and economic understanding, that the State could create these jobs. That never works. “But the Germans like it of course also on the other side, which always wishing that the State virtually guaranteed jobs. And that is our very strange understanding of society,”said in an interview with the Germany radio Horx. In addition, one must wonder whether this idea of jobs still works in the 21st century.

“This is so a deep fixation, we have a working model in the industrial society, ultimately and that is currently Apart. “We will have fewer and fewer places, so ‘Court!’ they say to his dog in the 21st century, but no longer to work”, so Horx. People had no lifelong work biographies, that changed the course of life, we work less if we get the families, we work longer hours at the age and we might work for four, five, six, seven employers, workers we then may be itself, the Selbststandigenanteil will rise sharply. And that is to work with these old formulas no longer. See also: Economists doubt Steinmeier jobs miracle-vision: politik/deutschland/0,1518,640085,00.html doubts about Steinmeier plan D: ..ATpl Ecommon Scontent.HTML of Steinmeier promise of salvation has SPD tradition: politik/../Steinmeiers-Heilsversprechen-hat-SPD-Tradition.html comrade Murphy: policy/comrade murphy-404591 / editorial NeueNachricht Gunnar Sohn Ettighoffer road 26a 53123 Bonn Tel: 0228 6204474 mobile: 0177 620 44 74 E-Mail: URL:


> Reflects our lives, how we perceive ourselves. Jwala and Karl Gamper our lives reflects, as we we even perceive. < Anders said: these are not the circumstances that determine who we are. No. These reflect only back, how we perceive ourselves.

A simple idea. Plain. Clear. Ermachtigend. Tony Parker recognizes the significance of this. But it is understood? Can we take him or we continue to come to your next appointment? The question, of course, and this may be uncomfortable because too personally how do you perceive themselves? It is as if the old Oracle over thousands across peeps and asks: who are you as a person? Do you recognize yourself as a human being and remember even the other competitors there – or the with these comical views as a human being?” Suppose that we would actually recognize each other as human beings, we would have so much fear from each other? There was still such an extent competition, envy, greed to subtle as sneaky lies? There were then still the entire Dream in scams and the Nations of the world would invest then annually more than a quadrillion dollars in armaments and defence? A quadrillion is a thousand billion. With this sum, we could purify the drinking water of the world in a six-year program, replant the rainforest and a just because sufficient system of food distribution established worldwide.

To whom should we defend ourselves? If we recognize the brother, the sister, the people in the other filled with dreams such as our own. The other wants to be happy as we. Just like us? The other in peace wants to live as we. Just like us? And the basis for this peace is not a reasonable level of prosperity that we treat this person like ourselves? May be is the next step of evolution that we recognize each other as human beings. An obvious step. And yet: A quantum leap in evolution. Because it the ultimate jump would be carried by wisdom, towards an intelligent together, Self-knowledge and awareness. What would we give up? Not very much and yet. We collectively would have to wake up as humanity, from the trance, the crowning of creation to be. Separated and isolated from the whole. What would we win? The place of human beings in the concert of the cosmos. What would this place look like? Sublime. We would understand the fundamental equivalence of all life from us out and feel and could us than to know what we are. “Namely: the Goblet of the eternal Covenant.” Because in humans combines the shape of the chalice”and the void” the middle. The visible and the invisible. The mind & matter. We are people that part of nature which is his self aware is. And that is precisely the ability of consciousness: from to itself to be aware. A State that practically everyone knows. As well as everyone knows it’s there. And everyone thinks he’s aware. The tragedy is that we deny that unconsciously other people. Otherwise not would we against others in the war pull in the most varied forms and variants.

Fund Life

The Evangelical magazine ‘chrismon’ presents the German life bridge e.V. and its project ‘KidAiD against child poverty in Germany’ in its current issue. Child poverty has many faces: bad diet, lack of education, lack of human warmth and social isolation. Since 2003, the German life bridge therefore financed with their project KidAiD against child poverty in Germany “nationwide major offers in children and Jugendzentren.Mit help from donations allows the German life bridge free hot meals, cooking classes and other educational services.” All actions are funded solely by donations. The Association helps children, such as the nine-year old Kai, who has found a second home on the youth farm Ramersdorf in Munich. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City is likely to increase your knowledge. Before he went to the farm almost every day, the only child of a single mother hanging out too often much with chips before the television. On the farm, he meets other children, gets healthy eating and taking care of the chickens.

The city of Munich has the grants for homework set. Therefore, the German life bridge wants to take over the financing. Because education is a way out of poverty for the children. But is instructed to regularly to provide homework assistance to children, the Club on donations. For about 380, you give the chance for a better education, a child where you for a care for his homework assignments a year Fund..

Sunny Cars Sets In Times Of Crisis At The Counter To

Sunny Cars sets out further and boosts his earnings. Munich, September 2009 the financial crisis and General car hire shortage despite sunny cars to high season presents an impressive Buchungsplus on the counter: the car rental brokers listed for the month of July 2009 with all reservations made via the travel agency when compared to the same period last year a growth of 27 percent. In the top destinations in Italy, Portugal and Canada almost twice as many holiday cars were reserved by the agencies in July 2009 by Sunny Cars as in the previous year. Also in Spain, the Munich car rental broker for July reported significant growth in bookings at the counter. Sunny Cars could also double the reservation numbers, even triple on the Canary Islands in the Balearic Islands. Also on the Spanish mainland Sunny Cars booking gains in July recorded around 20 percent compared to the same month last year, while just this target area on the entire car sector had to register declines of 38 percent.

Lie about all target areas across the declines of the car rental market space for the departure time July 2009 by approximately 20 percent. The latest figures of the GfK tourism distribution panels confirm already asked spring 2009 forecast by Kai Sannwald, Managing Director of Sunny Cars, that there will be at holiday cars especially the high season in the most popular vacation destinations to capacity bottlenecks. The Munich car rental brokers turned early to the shortage and made corresponding arrangements timely align corporate strategy on the critical situation. We see the reasons for the positive booking trend at sunny cars as a result of our increased sales and marketing activities, which we t Valencia financial crisis intensified and have invested in it also incidentally, explains Kai Sannwald. Sannwald, more than any direct link to the counter, whether with promotions or a new price list for travel agents looking for sunny cars. In terms of car shortages is the expert for 2010 no all-clear: an early Car rental booking will pay off for the counter still, actually to be able to provide the desired vehicle customers, predicts Kai Sannwald.

Overhaul, As A Remedy For Depression

On the performance of man and his well-being, mood and greatly affect the surrounding environment. After all, coming into the office much more pleasant to be in a spacious, comfortable, bright and functional room, and when coming home in a comfortable and a relaxed and relaxation of the apartment, rather than a cluttered and untidy room. To deepen your understanding Naveen Selvadurai is the source. Even if the area of your home or office is rather small, with the help of a professional designer, You can, preparing to make major repairs of the apartment or office, to make the project so that the best use of available space and even visually enlarge the space. Preparing for the repair needed firmly aware of what quality requirements will be presented as they would relate to the nature of the apartment owners or the direction of the company, what tools are scheduled for production maintenance. Modern repair home or office can be divided into several types – cosmetic overhaul and repair of European standards. See Peter Thiel for more details and insights. Between themselves, they differ in the complexity of the work, their capacity, cost and quality.

Redecorating – it's just a way to update the room, change the cover walls and ceiling, without spending a lot of money, and is perfect to get rid of the boring interior. Possible rearrangement of furniture. All this will help change the mood and feeling. More serious repair – overhaul office or apartment. It is already possible partial redevelopment of the premises, re-plumbing, heating, water supply and other engineering systems, plaster surfaces, replacement of wall, ceiling and floor coverings, decoration complex elements and so on. This process is, of course, is much more expensive, However, the quality of repairs speaks for itself.

The man returned to the premises after repair – as a stranger, a brand new home or office. The most expensive option, but the most impressive in its results, is the repair of the European standard. This kind of repair involves the application of advanced technologies, the use of advanced materials, sophisticated alterations, the improved system engineering services for individual project, subject to any special customer requirements. It is only by professionals.