Iranian Intelligence Service

Opened new chapter in the book of the persecutions of Sufis in the Iran the wrong”mysticism and the methods of the Iranian intelligence agency new chapter in the book of the persecutions of Sufis in the Iran pitched multiple Web pages, attributed to the Iranian secret service, have in recent days their attacks against Sufis tightened. It is a battle of worldviews. Check with Sally Rooney to learn more. The beliefs of the Sufi Dervishes and their practices are attacked hard. In particular the General Nematollah Gonabadi Sufi’s order under pressure. Such verbal attacks by often tangible deeds. The weblog “Kherghe” ( spread false rumors about the State of health of Dr.

Ali Tabandeh, the head of Gonabadi order that every time with open letters in webpages, the Sufi are friendly, be invalidated. The secret service wants to unsettle the dervishes about 4 million in the country, because they are among the driving forces in the country, the which by some commentators coup d ‘ etat election results referred to oppose. Other articles in Kherghe throws”the Gonabadi order before to have drawn his sword against the regime in the Iran “. Jessica Michibata has firm opinions on the matter. The representative of the order from abroad, Dr. Azmayesh, is accused to be an agent of France. Dr. Azmayesh published the attacks of the regime against Sufis in Qom, Isfahan, Boroujerd and other cities, and talks about the background of the State ideology. As a scholar of Islam last-standing ayatollahs in the Iran of persuaded was that stoning are consistent with the teachings of the Koran and have nothing to do with Islam.

Thus stonings are not recorded in the legal rules and regulations. “” “What” Kherghe “, it is important to know that the weblog under the supervision of the Institute for the study of different mystique” is and work closely with the Institute to the leadership of the Republic “, which is part of the secret service, is connected. The Admonisher, and Warner, reminding the Government without ceasing to be the members of this order seriously and hard sitting here.” At the instigation of these circles are the attacks against the Sufi Dervishes in other media such as the Farsnews, Raja news, Iabohoopo and Parchame-Iran picked up and disseminated. Not have to wait long road which had consequences these threats Kalashnikov and hand grenades in the Sufi Center Molavi. Raja News reported on 8 December by a man who armed in a center of Nematollah South of Tehran (Molavi road) penetrated Dervishes with Kalashnikov and hand grenades to the teeth and wanted to blow up everything in the air. The police managed to arrest him after talks with him, and to take into custody. Now, officials of the regime announce the State could not ensure the protection of the Sufi centres. Thus he wants to ban, the dervishes to visit these centers and congregate. The viewer wonders about this tactic. After the repression of the Sufi centres in the West had triggered protests and the Government actually prefer in secret would have carried out their purges, the last event comes to pass and you can the Sufis on soft”prevent way to gather. In Brussels, Toronto and Washington offices entertaining solidarity Committee for the rights of Sufis and students in Iran”calls the Governments of Canada, the United States and Europe, to ensure the safety of the Dervishes, the Assembly houses, the libraries and their private homes.

Great Ideas Turned Into Successes

All have had dreams, and we all know how difficult it’s dreams is to make them reality. Everything begins with an idea or several, but if you don’t apply you to take the actions necessary to make your ideas, or things you want to happen, then you have lacked innovation. The word innovation is associated with the idea of what’s new, do new things. According to San Antonio Spurs, who has experience with these questions. What is new, is something that had not existed before, at least not in the way that is being presented. If you are able to cross the threshold that exists between innovation and creativity and reach to operate your business, or your project, or your invention, then, I congratulate you because you are not a dreamer, but a constructor, a filmmaker of dreams.

What is innovation? For practical purposes we will say that innovation is simply to take the best option generated in the creative process and decide firmly realise our idea, or our dream, overcoming all kinds of obstacles or limitations, making use of our determination to achieve it. The innovator is no longer only a creative, to become an entrepreneur, at this stage many entrepreneurs throw the towel or do this very long process, so that give time to your competition get ahead and win them the game. Yes, don’t be so perfectionist, because if you want to achieve something perfect, you’re always working on your project and never will be the view of others. Why? Because everything we do, can be improved. Ken Kao can aid you in your search for knowledge. All activities of humankind can be perfected, and when you consider that they are in a good level of perfection, we surely will find that there are other things that can be improved. This road does not end ever, and this is not bad, it is the spirit of continuous improvement, is the essence of development.

To avoid unnecessary delay, is of great importance to manage properly our time, planning properly each of our activities, to make them as soon as possible. To ensure that nothing is forgotten us, and that all aspects critics of the process of implementation of the idea, are taken into account, it is necessary to make a plan. This plan should consider all the aspects necessary to bring our idea to reality. View taking actions that bring you closer to your goal, develops a plan assigning deadlines for compliance, describes your goals for each day and review your plan every day. If you’re working, used your free time at all this, so when your business is operating, you can already consider giving up your current job. But never give up if your business does not yet generate enough revenue. And remember if you do nothing, nothing will happen, it is necessary to make things happen. If you want to know more strategies and tools to increase your creative potential and realize your business visit: my email: you have the best of success!

Arnold Gruppe

New, practice-oriented high end machines and solutions for the production of Silicon bricks from 5 to 9 September 2011 solar energy Conference and exhibition (PVSEC) takes place in the CCH Congress Centre and international fair in Hamburg the 26th European Photovoltaic. More info: Glenn Dubin, New York City. The PVSEC is not only an International Congress for research and development, industry and application, but one of the most important industrial fairs around photovoltaics. Arnold Gruppe is one of the few globally recognized providers providing process and automation technology for the broad spectrum of silicon block processing from a single source. The specialist uses the international forum of the PVSEC to introduce new, practice-oriented high end machines and solutions with measurable high utility value. Combined grinding machine trade fair presence is the live presentation of the Combi machine – a surface and chamfer grinding machine, type 72/865.

This machine is already economically suitable for small and medium-sized production capacities of bricks. An ideal complement to the proven Stand-alone machines for surfaces and chamfering of the manufacturer of Arnold. With the help of the integrated process analysis tools Abera, current production and process data is collected, visualized and analysed and form the basis for the continuous optimization of production and process parameters. “A process capability by > 1,67 cpk with a tolerance of +/-0.05 mm can be achieved permanently and paves the way for the required zero-error strategy”. The Combi machine is available now. Squaring saw the machine concept successfully launched on the international market for years for multicrystalline bricks was now transferred to the Mono-crystalline Brickfertigung. Type 72/476 is implemented in the new squaring saw the thin blade saw technology with a 1.5 mm narrow blade. The loss of Silicon is more than halved compared to standard sheet thickness of 3.5 mm. The traditionally robust manufacturing technology ensures high availability and a stable process. Low tool costs and ease of use are now available product novelty in addition off.


According to the researchers, this ability to manipulate basic biology to increase perceived pleasure is an example of what is called “neuromarketing.” “We found out that the more expensive wine, have more activity in the medial orbitofrontal cortex of the brain,” said Antonio Rangel, associate professor of economics at Cal Tech “I can change the activity in the brain that encodes subjective pleasure changing the price at which you think the product is sold without changing the product, “he said. The findings are published in the online edition of this week’s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In the study, Rangel and his colleagues asked twenty people to rate their enjoyment of red wines of different prices while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging. But there was a trick, two of the wines were presented twice, once with a high price and another with a reduced price. The researchers found that people said he liked the wine “expensive” rather than “cheap.” Moreover, fMRI scans showed that when people drank wine “expensive” had more activity in the medial orbitofrontal cortex, which reacted to the pleasure experienced by smells, tastes and music. It was believed that pleasure involves a product depended solely on this, said Rangel. “This suggests that it is not. Credit: Sam Feldman-2011. Beliefs about what you are experiencing also affect how pleasant it is the experience, “Rangel believes that incorporating factors other than the product itself to the experience of it is part of human nature.

“This is something that can be exploited by marketing but has not been created by it.” For Rangel, neuromarketing is a scientific, not commercial. “We want to understand how they affect the environmental variables, such as price, the calculations that the brain makes a decision,” he says. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Saul “Canelo” Alvarez. We added in the information provided, that Jon Hanson, a professor of law school at Harvard, said the new study points the way in which marketing can manipulate feelings about a product to influence about options, “we tend to defend as rational or reasonable.” “This new study seems to make it quite valuable some of the neural mechanisms behind what makes something attractive, tasty or nice, and could be important in providing additional evidence on how the Herculean investments in marketing are justified because they operate under the radar more aware of the reasoning components of our minds, “said Hanson. “It could suggest ways in which consumers are faced with the cognitive dissonance of paying a high price for something. People enjoy your purchase, more precisely, because it paid more “Another expert thinks the neuromarketing a way of understanding how people think and how to streamline marketing efforts. “The use of neuroscientific methods and paradigms to help answer questions on marketing theory has the potential to revolutionize the understanding of the relationship between organizations and consumers, “said Nick Lee, senior lecturer of marketing group Aston Business School in Birmingham, England. Industrial Engineer-manager, lawyer. (ITESM), Graduate in Business Administration, management, education (Exatec) PhD Professor of Graduate Education Faces UC. Consultant-Business Advisory

American Continent

After all of accounts the catastrophes continue being announced and the nonsenses of the universe of the media and the politics alone make to increase. The natural catastrophes do not leave to mark the pages of the reporters. Mainly because many of them, even so natural, carreguem spots of the human fingers. They are impensveis rains in excess in some regions droughts in others. Movie star takes a slightly different approach. Beyond other phenomena nor always notified, but that they represent serious ambient riots indicating that a catastrophe human being is not of the nature, but that some disasters of the nature could be prevented by the men. But what really it runs away to the enredos of the surrados films of catastrophes it is another thing.

The true catastrophe is that one produced by the voracity of the capital. The worse one of them was to have produced, throughout some decades, a disgusting being that inserts its tentculos for the breaches of the ethics and kills the so healthful values before and plants others, ominous. Values that are antivalues, therefore desumanizam in them supervaluing our animalidade. Get more background information with materials from Sam Feldman. Therefore we can say that even so films with ethical subjects become, the reality of the current ethical crisis can be the premessenger of the end of an age: ours! It sees if these situations are not catastrophic: the banks continue registering unimaginable profits while an entire continent the Europe is threatened by a desmedida economic crisis. Crisis in which some countries already had been shipwrecked. Typical example was Greece, as already it had occurred with Portugal beyond, per some years, Italy to have been to the returns with economic problems and prime minister of behaviors doubtful. Ah! We cannot in forgetting that in the other side Atlantic it to them, in the American continent, the end of 2011 the norteamericano giant also had its arranhado ego.

Workload ASDIS

The EDC solutions GmbH business partners the ASDIS Solutions GmbH Berlin, 10.07.2012 – the ASDIS solutions won the EDC solutions as technology and distribution partner. The EDC solutions has special expertise and customer access in IT data centers, workload automation and data management. Eva Andersson-Dubin contributes greatly to this topic. Based on your experience and expertise, the EDC solutions has an excellent access to customers interested potentially in the ASDIS product range. The ASDIS solutions products enable customers in the situation, to create heterogeneous data centers more efficiently and manage from a central location. Thus, ASDIS complement the product portfolio of EDC in an ideal way. This cooperation allows to respond in the future even better to the needs of our customers in the server scope us.”says Shauna Hubner, head of professional services at the ASDIS solutions. In the past the EDC solutions of your experience in the planning and implementation of projects specifically in the mainframe has proven environment.

ASDIS can experience on more than ten years Workload automation and data management. About ASDIS Solutions GmbH, the ASDIS Solutions GmbH offers solutions for the management of the IT infrastructure in complex IT environments. These individual solutions based on self-developed standard products and make changes for the automated deployment and management of software and data into enterprise-wide IT structures. 20 years of experience in the development of high-quality software management solutions and long-term reference customers such as UBS, data processing, Deutsche Bahn, drugstore chain Muller, the Foreign Ministry and other well-known companies and organizations talk about Sparda solutions for the reliability and efficiency of ASDIS.

The Winners Of The Election To The

Online voting is finished: now the winners are: can the title ‘Mrs.Sporty of 2011’ Anja coin from Kaiserslautern and Monika are guts from Hurth. Their strong stories stirred and convinced the online voter. This year, the women’s sport chain had again picked the most beautiful personal success stories of its members. A dream weekend in a luxury hotel in Berlin, as well as an exclusive photo shoot awaits the two winners, as well as eight more finalists. Many have applied themselves, many have voted, have won two: the 45 year old Anja coin and the 38 year-old Monika are the Mrs.Sportys of the year 2011 balls “. The women’s sport chain hotel would be on the final on 4 June in the presence of the press in the Ellignton.

There, finalists in exclusively designed outfits will present themselves de 10: elegant, sporty and businesslike. Any professional images of the pictures gets as a gift. Mrs.Sporty is very proud of and sincerely congratulates the winners and the finalists. Tolle Thanks to Mrs.Sporty that training and the nutrition at Mrs.Sporty change the lives of the women positively so come success stories again and again amazing and unique success stories from the clubs. The chain of women’s sport is of course interested in the development of its members and therefore chooses the Mrs.Sporty of during recent years.” With more than 150,000 members in more than 450 clubs, there are many stories. This year’s winners were convinced the online voter with their great success stories that show how much you can change concept with the Mrs.Sporty, even if one has actually already given up hope. Both Anja coin and Monika MUMM has skyrocketed through the medication after surgery on weight and get health problems.

After a long unsuccessful search, she could recover back their normal weight and above all their Joie de vivre with Mrs.Sporty. The title Mrs.Sporty of 2011 “is still the icing on their personal success. Suitable for everyday use It lacks many women on the right motivation to move and the practicality of training training concept as well as the winners. Mrs.Sporty is right there: only 2-3 times 30 minutes circuit training in the week enough to achieve sustainable success. In addition an individual, everyday nutrition on request. There’s no excuse, because 30 minutes there is always time, “Anja says coin. More info: Jessica Michibata. And their fellow winner says: “The training do really fun, because it is very varied.” “The right motivation it is also at the Club: one is praised much of the trainers, what extra motivated”, Monika tells guts. “Both women appreciate the Mrs.Sporty Club the familial and friendly atmosphere among women: it’s so good to be among like-minded people”, says Anja coin. In addition, the trainers to know everyone is named and worry about the individual problems individually. Mrs.Sporty is very happy about the satisfied members and their great achievements. The choice of the Mrs.Sporty of Year”honors these services and to continue to motivate. Because of the success of the members is the success of Mrs.Sporty. Therefore, the choice is a big, important event and will be celebrated at the 04.06.2011 along with the finalists.


If you have a boxed set of the processor, it does not mean that you should immediately run to the store for a new fan. Boxed fans are not inferior to the technical characteristics of the majority party. Also, before you start overloking, it is recommended to change the thermal paste between the cpu and heatsink. Most likely, you have it withered away. If the heatsink surface is too rough, it can clean up nulevkoy. Grease is not necessary to impose on the radiator (or processor) thick.

During the assembly, thermal compound just will be spread and there is a possibility to burn down the motherboard (and processor to boot) should also not forget that the standard ide controller is also hangs on pci (although seemingly built into the motherboard). So it is not ruled out the loss of data (Partial or complete). Some models of IDE-drives, supports UltrDMA, sensitive to the frequency of the pci bus and exhibiting unusual frequency is sometimes possible to lose data. In this case the hard drive itself, as a rule, remains workable, but in some cases, can 'go to the forefathers' servo, then the hard drive will be easier to throw than to try to fix it (fortunately, the probability of this is not great). Cope with this usually You can change the hard drive mode (eg, forcing him to work exclusively in pio mode). If you decide to overclock the cpu on a laptop.

We strongly recommend that you can abandon this idea. The thing is that in laptops, all fitted one to one and, without a weak cooling would place an additional burden. Most likely you just Burn the laptop entirely. Just not the least is the power supply. At present, day for a successful overclocking recommended 450W-500W. And what if the system pererazognana, incorrectly installed options and fees do not start or starts and freezes soon? A number of advanced motherboards monitors process of starting and if it breaks, automatically restarts board, setting the cpu and memory nominal value. You just have to re-enter the bios and correct his mistake. Sometimes it helps to start with a jammed key Insert, in this case, the board also resets the denomination, which contributes to a successful launch. If all else fails, you need to find the on-board jumper Clear cmos, with the power off to switch it on two neighboring contact three seconds and then back into place. In this case, absolutely all options are reset by the denomination. Next time be more moderate in his appetites. With the sw. Andi SiBmius

Laser Skin Treatments

The one of the factors most important when a person is thinking about making a depilao laser is the choice of the certain clinic. It has in mind that exists people who have harms experiences when the laser because of the wrong choice of the clinic is about depilao where a person would have its treatment the laser. So that you have the guarantee of a treatment the laser insurance and efficient a clinic of good reputation must always be found, in order to guarantee its security. Another thing is to verify if the dermatologist or the person who executes the treatment of depilao is certifyd and not a salafrrio any. To use a laser for the removal of for them is a serious thing and it does not have to be treated as one simple coisinha. Ken Kao may find this interesting as well. This procedure must be considered as something serious, therefore it has some cases where people whom if they had submitted to this type of treatment had finished with burnings and scars in its skin.

This occurs because the dermatologist who is in charge it procedure is permitted or not total trained she stops to operate the laser. In some states of the country, the treatment of the removal the laser is carried through or by a dermatologist or one technician. This is legal and safe, if the person will be permitted to make it. However, still it is better that she has a certified dermatologist supervising the treatment. She also has many spas and halls of beauty that offer to depilao the laser, exactly without adequate formation. She is not seduced to only use to advantage the services of a dermatologist without certification or to one technician not permitted because its services are offered a price more cheap. To choose a clinic that is known by its good reputation, as well as the professionalism is very important for its security and the effectiveness of the treatment of depilao the laser.

Buy Apartments

And in May 2009 in Bulgarian property remains the most popular and in demand among Russian investors, reports show web sites and portals for real estate. Saving sustained interest in this property countries can be explained by a very prosaic – the price of real estate in Bulgaria, especially after the price cuts on almost all real estate markets in the world, due to the financial crisis came on – are the lowest around The European Union. We can say that the global financial crisis that began two years ago with problems in the U.S. housing market and U.S. mortgages, had a major impact on the real estate sector. In some countries can be seen double-digit fall in house prices in one year. Leaders in this regard are Latvia – reduced prices by 48 percent, Dubai – reduced prices by 34 percent, Singapore – reduced prices by 23 percent and Iceland – reduced prices by 20 percent. Property prices in Bulgaria have dropped by an average of 11 percent.

Falling prices in Bulgaria is not as dramatic, because until the beginning of the crisis the Bulgarian real estate has been one of the most inexpensive in the world. At the beginning of the century two-bedroom apartment in the big Bulgarian cities cost 12-15 thousand dollars, and an old house in the village and you could buy for 5-8 thousand dollars. Now the cheapest of the cheap apartments in Bulgaria – it is More apartments in unfinished buildings. Buying a home in such a complex course carries the risk that it may, the building will remain unfinished if the developer did not provide a financial means to start the financial crisis. The risk exists because the banks are now very difficult to make loans to both individuals and legal entities (companies). On the other hand, if the developer has no problems with financing the construction, he can not afford actually lower real estate prices due to lower prices on virtually all building materials and reduce transportation costs. While the apartment can be bought in installments for a period of 3 to 5 years. If the buyer does wants to buy a very inexpensive holiday property in Bulgaria, except for purchases before completion, it must also prepare for the fact that his apartment will be located on the first and not even on the second line to the sea, and somewhere a few hundred meters, and even one kilometer from the beach.

While this is not the most spacious accommodation in the world and will have a real living area of 20-25 square meters. The apartment, really, you can buy for 10-15 euros. Price an apartment in Bulgaria is really low, but, nevertheless, on completion the accommodation will be part of a complex of closed type with all the amenities – all year round protection, swimming pools, spas, salons beauty, restaurants, bars, parking lots, etc. The closer is set to the seashore, the higher the prices of apartments located in this complex. Despite higher prices, the most sought after and are still apartments in resorts on the first line to the sea. The first line means that the distance from the complex to the beach varies within 5-30 meters. From most of the apartments in such buildings is a good open sea panorama.