Paramount Home Entertainment released the first season of the sitcom on March 3, 2011 for the first time on DVD Hamburg, 07.02.2011 / INPROMO / / a betrothed couples, a married couple and a single three different life situations offer different perspectives on the topic of relationship. Jeff (Patrick Warburton) and Audrey (Megyn Price) are the classic, married couple of philistine. Adam (Oliver Hudson) and Jennifer (Bianca Kajlich), however, to have just engaged and are up on both ears in love. Single Russell (David Spade) embodies the eternal bachelors. “” You all know on their own way the pros and cons of their respective lives the first season of RULES OF ENGAGEMENT will be released on March 3 for the first time on DVD and contains with the script until the”bloopers” and tour of the set with Oliver Hudson “entertaining extra minutes.
Love, conflict and sex in series matter no, whether one is courting, which just broke or is located somewhere in between each Life situation holds their own relationship surprises. Right at the beginning of the first season the newly engaged couple Adam and Jennifer at the upcoming wedding doubts, because they experience a heated argument between the couple of Audrey and Jeff. Also in the course of the season, Adams burst and Jennifer’s romantic plans, as they discover that they have different ideas about career, finances, and children. Audrey, however, wonder why she and Jeff as long have waited to have children. Russell’s eternal quest seems the perfect date to end, as his new date in their conversations makes sexual innuendo. Sleep is she still with him premiums without any obligation with the TV * stars rewards program will fail no relationship series fans and must expect therefore no relationship stress. Because according to the motto collect TV series! Star shopping! Premiums back up!”is also this DVD of one of the coveted stars” at the TV * stars bonus program with personal code.