NEMETS and is now considered one of the most respected and "fashionable" today neofitsioznyh performers. ITS IN THEIR There is a well-founded belief that the V. and A. Nemec Voronezh originally stood on the very simple positions: in his case they have always been fans of their business, they are always the most important thing was the result of creativity and creative success. But could the first few songs of Vladimir, Voronezh and A.
German in the shortest time to win the hearts of influential metropolitan fans, without delay opened the way these songs to us, ordinary listeners and fans of this song chanson? It turns out that they could. Although, why not assume that it is those metropolitan people have great possibilities in the world of the music business, as usual, and was conceived and implemented the project, participation in which they were simply invited their friends can (and maybe even do their rodstvennichkov) from the rich talent in the province – Vladimir, Voronezh and Alexander Nemtsov. Too smooth and orderly everything they went from the very beginning, and once at a level of fame, achievement of which – pipedream large army of amateur writers and singers. And then, too, as it happened on a pre-arranged notes. The third album was recorded in 1992 in St. Petersburg with the participation of famous Saint-Petersburg musicians (he has since reprinted many times, including in the CD series "5 star chanson" in a luxurious premium design). The next three albums were recorded at the studio specially equipped for this purpose in Chelyabinsk, obviously, with "selective" by local musicians. It was there, in the Urals, made the album "Devil" – a kind of hit a recognized genre, and album "Nature" – not so popular, but also by its catchy and adds a lot of to the authority of an already high-end brand. THINGS WORSE VORONEZH MOSCOW? I have long ceased to be surprised that in Chelyabinsk fans of Alexander the Germans always had a disproportionately greater than in Voronezh.