If you want to sound more American-style, it's time to get acquainted with the rules of pronunciation of American English. These rules, of course, very much, but the education and training even the most basic of them raise your pronunciation to a new level. Many people believe that the interpretation given it a pushover for the people who know the language, and often they do not see the difference when you want to translate the text into German and English. So what is this Rules? Note: some of the following rules are used not only in American English. Many people are wrong and against the rules of standard English, so I decided to include in the list and the other rules. 1.
'T' becomes 'D' 'T' sounds like 'D', when placed between two vowels. For example: 'bitter' is pronounced as 'bidder', 'water' as a 'wader'. 2. Of Even though the word 'of' is spelled with 'F', pronounced it all the same with 'V'. This is an exception.
For example: 'it's made of wood' pronounced like 'it's made ov wood'. 3. 'S' or 'Z' Even if the word ends in a voiceless consonants (F, K, P, T, except the 'S'), 'S' is pronounced as voiceless' S ', but if a word ends in' ch ',' dg ',' s', 'sh', 'z', a vowel or voiced consonants, it is pronounced as more long, the vowel 'z' ('zzz'). For example: 'He looks' is pronounced with the voiceless 's' (because of the location at the end of the 'K'), but the 'judges' is pronounced with a voiced 'z', as 'judgezzz'. 'Trees' ends in a vowel (before the end of the plural 's'), so pronounce this word should be as 'treezzz'. 4. Many end-ed in past tense verbs ending in '-ed', but '-ed' is pronounced differently, depending on the end. If a word ends in a voiceless consonants, '-ed' is pronounced as 'T'. If a word ends in voiced consonants, pronounced 'D'. If a word ends in 'T' or 'D', '-ed' is pronounced like a regular 'ed'. For example: 'I walked' is pronounced 'I walk-t' (for 'K' on the end), 'I moved' is pronounced 'I mov-d' (because of the voiced consonant 'V'). 'I voted' pronounced 'I voted', as ends in 'T'. 5. -Ng endings in English, there are 3 nasal sound and 'ng' – one of them. 'Ng' – a combination of letters 'N' and 'G', but 'G' is not pronounced. For example: 'he is walking' is pronounced as 'he is walkin'. 'G' is not pronounced! This is just Some of the basic rules of English and American English pronunciation. Besides these, there are many other, but the study and practical application of the above rules no doubt smooth out your accent.