Atlantis Film Festival Begins

On Thursday, 15th October, the competition of the Atlantis nature and environment film festival starts. The jury has selected nine films that apply this year for the coveted prizes of Atlantis. This time follow the movies of the question, who owns the sea, deal with the myth of forest, show the high price for biofuels or accompany a farmer who hear the grass grow. Who is looking forward to the end about the prize money in the amount of 2,000, 3,000 or even 5,000 EUR? Almost 60 films were submitted this year at the Atlantis Film Festival. They come from the entire German-speaking world. Each movie shows a special, wonderful and sometimes frightening look at the nature and the environment in its own way. The nine best and most striking films, including a movie from a Swiss production, will be now on Thursday and Friday in the Caligari FilmBuhne see.

Did repeatedly interrupted by wide savannas by the large animal herds for example, that Central Europe was once covered by dense jungles that, much like in Africa, ages ago migrated? Some green islands appear to have survived the times. topic. ‘Myth forest’ tells the stories of these green oases, as they were never told. The last secrets of the Earth may be in the unexplored depths of the sea. But even here people penetrate further and search for raw materials, which are suspected. Long time dead desert was considered the deep sea, but scientific research shows landscapes of unparalleled beauty and countless new creatures. Meanwhile, science assumes that more in the deep sea species, as in the rain forest. The film ‘ who owns the sea ‘ shows impressive pictures and documented the new gold rush in the deep sea.

Like a thread, Film Festival runs the question through the Atlantis: we can help shape the future? Again and again there are individuals who answer ‘Yes’ to this question and engage with great dedication, courage and integrity for a better future. Hannes Jaenicke, who is not only a well known actor, this includes but engaged and fight with all my heart for the conservation of nature. In particular the orang utans have it done to him, the famous ‘forest people’, which are nearing extinction. Looking for a very personal traces embarks Hannes Jaenicke to Southeast Asia, researched on the black market, animal merchants, visited boxing monkeys such as collecting stations, which take in rescued animals and again from poaching. There a film was exciting like a thriller, a true mystery of nature. Almost all festival films are guests present, which finally give more insight into the filming for the film, as it were ‘ the best of’ live on the stage of the Caligari.