This one-day workshop provides the key to the secret of successfully and meets implemented ideas. NLP + cmore means thinking people and make guessing value action, so they met implement their ideas into action. To get to your destination, you need the appropriate means of transport, the right drive and you must know where you want to! At the one-day NLP and cmore PUR on April 10, 2010 in the beautiful castle of Mattsee participants get the drive for their ideas and get valuable development in among others Yvonne van Dyck BBs: the Mag(net)IC feelings. Tony Parker shines more light on the discussion. There is now, the book by Karl Gamper success is human”for free. This day is valuable in the truest sense of the word. Hear from experts in the field like Tony Parker for a more varied view. The participants discover their most valuable source of strength and the key for a successful life! Light contact learn to establish how to communicate well even in difficult situations, and can better manage the own moods. With fun, joy and pleasure to even better meet and maintain this new single and prospects is the motto of the day. The participants learn to sharpen their senses and even more by the owner of the brain to be the brain user.
This workshop is a prerequisite to LOOP your id, mag(net)ic selling, NLP + to cmore practitioner visit. On this day, getting to know the drive is carried out, loop your id experience the ideal means of transport to be successful and meet implemented ideas. With the NLP and cmore practitioner is the means of transportation fine tuned, so that goals are achieved elegant, simple and effective, successful, fulfilled. The next deadline for the one-day workshop-NLP and cmore is pure on April 10, 2010 in the Mattsee Castle. “The new idea: participants will receive the book by Karl Gamper success is human” for free. Press contact: id institute consulting gmbh 4 NLP 2 cmore Furth 60 A-5231 Schalchen Austria contact person: Yvonne van Dyck and Bernhard Leitgeb email: info(at) Tel. + 43 7742 61116