
Here' s progress and achievements in these and to other representatives ofBrazilian romanticism. Keywords: romantic, discovery, development, freedom. INTRODUCTION To search the romantismo is before everything a challenge, segundoPaul Valery, would be necessary to have lost all the severity spirit to quererdefinir the romantismo. The number of studious on this subject is enormous, noentanto the amount of young readers on this subject is very small. Dosobjetivos of this research are to stimulate young to the reading and to not only know of the grandesacontecimentos of this literary period, but of other importantssimosperodos that constitute Brazilian literature. It is justified datemtica choice ' ' Jose de Alencar: romantic ideal par excellence ' ' had to interesseda researcher in showing the wealth of literary content of the workmanships doautor. He is I discourage well-known it of many young ones when if comentaque is obligator to read romances and other sorts of reading. It does not have criatividadedos professors most of the time to attract the pupil to search leiturasinteressantes, the incentive the reading to form critical citizens already noexiste or rare meets in some classroom with some muitootimista and sonhador educator.

This article was elaborated through research qualitativasdo bibliographical type, and also from the reading of books, material articles/published and access the Internet. The reading forms concepts econstri personality, the all educator fits to make to germinate this seed for queo knowledge can always be being born and flowing in the mind of the student. Being based on these sources it was had full convicoque the romantismo: it was the great first step for modernity, segundoMassaud Mosis ' ' the severity, the parallel could more be wrinkled: romantismoconstitui deep and vast cultural revolution whose effect had not ceased until osnossos days. Beyond the letters and from the arts, religious the scientific knowledge, filosficoe suffered an impact that still reverberates in the permanent crisis dacultura moderna.' ' To study the romantismo is something prevented by some students, however to the studied being all the thoughts badly-formed on this if evaporate.