Colombia Tourism

Colombia is a country with great beauty and world-famous attractions, this country has a very effective tourism promotion policy since it has despite of living in an internal conflict (which an is not resolved) have been able to promote their various destinations with great results. It should be noted that the internal conflict (guerrilla) zones are in areas very specific (usually areas of forest to the East of the country) and do not represent any risk for tourists. Tourism in Colombia most prominent sites include:-Bogota (one of the cities most visited). -Barranquilla – Cali. -San Andres (one of the beach destinations most visited).

-Santa Marta. -Cartagena de Indias. -Triangle (departments of Caldas, Quindio and Risaralda) coffee – Medellin Antioquia. With respect to beach destinations we have those who are in the area of the Pacific (water cooler) and those found in the zone of the Caribbean (waters more warm). Among the celebrations more important year we have the feast of the flowers in Medellin and the famous Carnival in Barranquilla. Practiced dances more popular we have salsa, the calf, among many other rhythms more, this country has large representations of music in Spanish around the world. This country also has a reputation of having the women more beautiful in the world. Part of this country tourist campaign comprises a series of commercials accompanied by promotion campaigns in social networks in addition to the famous slogan Colombia: risk is wanting to stay. The circuits most used are Bogota-santa Marta, Bogota-Sant’Andrea and Bogota Medellin.