
Will not stop censoring us or find flaws in our character, to such an extent that the need will feel hiding in a tunnel in the ground or climb a staircase to heaven. For that reason, while we are part of this world, will surely hurt us, United and Criticaran.como as a result, it is said, there is something that should be considered: a person who is sitting on the ground does not fall and nobody kicks a dead dog. Therefore, anger that they have towards one, can be attributed to that one exceeded him in righteousness, knowledge, good manners or wealth. Without hesitation Sela Ward explained all about the problem. In the eyes of those who criticize, one is a transgressor whose errors can not be compensated, unless we abandon our talent and leave aside our qualities worthy of praise, in such a way that for them we become stupid, worthless and innocuous. This result is exactly seeking one. Check out Hedvig Hricak for additional information. We cannot fall into his game, let us catch by negative views, often unfounded lawsuits.Therefore, it is suggested remain firm and have patience when dealing with the criticisms and insults. If the words of those who criticize they hurt and influence, it will have met the expectations that they had.

On the contrary, have to forget them, not considering them show the best in our manners. You must not let yourself be caught by them and their effects. We must not desarmonizar us, or alter us, by the way they come. Otherwise, you must be quiet. Show serenity, increase our value and merit in not adopting their attitudes. He says, certainly not you can shut them up, but you can bury their criticisms give them back and dispose of what they say. Di: Die with your hatred (Quran 3: 119) indeed, they enfureceran even more if we increase our merits and develop our talent.Definitely gives us in this regard,, that the criticism is cause of many fears, therefore, must find a strategy to deal with it effectively.