Cultural Movement

Right to vote! To be able of the Citizen or Cultural Movement? I come here this community to make a done relief of a frustrate voter. I appended with my parents who in a democracy the vote is a force, force that can change the destination politician of a people. I learned that the vote is a powerful weapon against the ditatoriais oligarchies, preventing that the people has that to submit an arbitrary domain. The vote imagined as something of utmost importance, as a revolutionary weapon. The Proper only paragraph, of art. See more detailed opinions by reading what Ken Kao offers on the topic.. 1, of the CF/88, is emphatical when describing that ' ' All the power emanates of the people, directly exerts who it by means of elect representatives or, in the terms of this Constituio' '. The people is sovereign and it belongs the power. But he has a question that he does not leave me the head: He will be that the people, this possessing being of size to be able, has conscience and knows to use itself of its half ones to modify its proper reality? It has times that already it did not believe the revolutionary effectiveness of the politics, but the cause for me had only worries to press the botozinhos where the social incredulity is so great that is even voted for trick, for civil disturbance, pra to see the Senate, and the house of representatives a true circus.

It swims against the possible candidates, but, is voted in singer, presenter of television, in actress porn, comedian, many without no preparation for such. Gentlemen we are part of the pensante mass, then, we go to make for where to make to be valid our rights. To make to be valid our opinion. The state is ours! We give to be able to the politicians. We have that to stop to blame them for mazelas solely social. We also are responsible solidary for the chaotic form that walks ours politics. At the same time we xingamos that them, and we do not know where we vote, nor its proposals, nor we charge them nothing, we would have also autoxingar in them. Year that comes has more! It takes that it does not see more palhaa that I have that to witness all year!>