Remember remember keep losing this year not only the District of Neukolln (formerly Rixdorf) celebrates 650-jahriges anniversary. In September, on top of that is the passage”, the connection between Karl-Marx-Strasse and Richard Street, at the age of 100. “This is a due cause, for the 48 hours Neukolln is titled memory” to devote. From an urban planning point of view, the passage is”undoubtedly one of the most distinctive landmarks of the Karl-Marx-Strasse. In 2010 the location for the Central Festival-info point here.” Just a few hundred metres away from the hustle and bustle on the bustling Karl-Marx-Strasse the historical Bohemian village”.
We know that Friedrich Wilhelm I. granted refuge in the former Rieksdorf a group of Bohemian refugees 1737″. “Much indicates that the integration” was the first migrants not without conflicts. The Bohemia settled at first in the outskirts of the village. “As Bohmisch Rixdorf” received Community of immigrants from 1797 even its own administration.
At the reunion of the two municipalities of Bohmisch Rixdorf and German Rixdorf in 1874 lived already 8,000 people in the village, whose population has grown so rapidly, that it received the city rights in 1899. You cannot come to see certain parallels between the historical and the current situation in the populous district of Berlin. Then as now it comes to the theme”integration and cultural identity. Neukolln is a melting pot where people from 165 Nations meet at the beginning of the 21st century. (Inter) cultural projects have a bridging role in tackling the challenge, to (he) find another as a community again. “Almost half a century the Museum Neukolln was” the most important address for the teaching of history and culture of everyday life in Berlin-Neukolln “in the Ganghofer road. Immediately after moving to the BRITZ Manor”are the premises during the 48 hours of Neukolln “host two exhibitions, the with varying focus the theme of memory” devoted to: horizons sixteen artists take position for the city history and make them visible as a storage medium of various political events, societies and individual realities.