
However, it is that many times we do to despise our talents and skills. A couple of months ago it was on the news that a giant Diamond was found in the mines of South Africa. It is the largest diamond that was never found. The article was accompanied by a picture of the precious stone in its original state, unpolished. I must say that I became disillusioned with the image of the diamond.

That diamond seemed nothing more than a piece of quartz common and current, very similar to the stones that my children used to gather on the beach when guys. I could not imagine that that piece of broken glass was one of the most valuable gemstones in the world. Many times we look to our talents and skills in the same way. To God they are precious and unique, because he knows its true potential, but in our eyes, they are not special. For assistance, try visiting Sela Ward. How many times we’ve watched our talents and skills and not they seemed great thing? We know that we have them, but then we compare with others and We conclude that others are much more in this area than we. Be careful when this kind of thoughts invade his mind. It could be bouncing away a diamond in the rough which seems a piece of glass! If Ud look at less their talents and not believed to be able to develop and Excel in them, could be that Ud has difficulties in one of the following areas: do not despise small beginnings anyone who ever got success had to start with what they had in their hands, nothing more.

At some point in your life you have to have taken the decision to work hard to make that diamond rough into something of great value. We must never forget that when we admire the accomplishments of other people, we are seeing the fruits of a long process of hard work that cost blood, sweat and tears. That process is lives in silence, with patience and determination. During this process, these people were totally unknown. Until one day the diamond was polished and you could appreciate its beauty. The trap is perfectionism Ud a person who always want to achieve more than expected? Is he proud for having a high level of demand in everything he does? Then you may be captive in the trap of perfectionism! Perfectionism is the enemy of the good. Limits our abilities, that, no matter what we do, it’s never enough. If a perfectionist can not reach a certain level, not even attempts to achieve it, because it has very high requirements and you can not settle for less. It is a recipe for failure. If we go to the root of the problem, we can see that the life of a perfectionist revolves around his person. God has a wonderful plan for all of us and has given us incredible talents and abilities, but they are not for our glory, but of him. Deliver your gifts to Dios Jesus fed 5,000 people with two fish and a loaf of bread. Before doing so he raised them in his hands and gave thanks to God for them. And God did a miracle! In the same way if Ud surrender their talents and abilities to God with faith that he who is better know what to do with them, He is going to multiply far beyond what Ud imaginable!