Dow Corning Automatic

The Plates are 3.17 meters high and about half a meter wide. Their free range over its full height. Up and down the glass panels in bent stainless steel U-profiles are stored. Here they were fastened with silicone adhesive (DC 993 / Dow Corning). Optimal shading, maximum transparency each plate consists of laminated glass.

Between two 10 mm thick ESG-H lenses are a sheet of polyvinyl butyral (PVB). The glasses to the outside with a double screen printing and to the inside with a Sun protective layer fitted on their inner surfaces. Continue to learn more with: Vanessa Marcil. In this way, a balance is achieved by transparency and opacity: optimal reflection of the direct rays of the Sun, maximum transmission of daylight and best viewing comfort from the inside. Colt International has manufactured the drive technology for the glass blades (engines and maintenance-free worm gear) in the plant and then outside invisibly built into the frame profile. The power supply is obscured by the facade into the frame profile. Each drive is for maximum 6 strips designed. Colt developed a sun protection system of moveable glass louvres, which was precisely adjusted to the existing elements of the secondary facade all slats are closed, so they seem like a very elegant, almost transparent, glass second skin that envelops the entire Tower automatic control after Sun control of the complete installation of the slat is an EIB system.

Essential system components are the automatic sunlight protection and the Sun slowing down control. This means: the external brightness is captured by a central brightness sensor in a range of 360 degrees. Achieves a brightness value previously defined, so the control is active opens and closes under the fins taking into account the current position. The stand of the slats is not based on a data table, but live “azimuth and elevation: the slats in a sense run after the actual position of the Sun. The blades remain open on the facades without direct sunlight. Important for the interaction of Sun protection and daylight automatic temperature automatic is the comfort in the building. A central temperature sensor registers the outside temperature continuously and transmits it to the controller. The temperature limits for each individual area of the building can be entered here. If the defined minimum temperature is reached, the shadowing program switched off and the solar energy used to heat the building. Conversely, the facades at the maximum temperature is reached are shaded again according to the automatic sunlight protection. More control functions: wind automatic: at a previously defined wind load disable this automatic all other rules as well as the manual and turn the slats in a security position. Manual operation: each drive can be moved individually or in a group through a switch manually in any position. Plaster circuit: The entire system in a fixed position for cleaning and maintenance is driven via a central key switch. Optional features in the Hamburger A timer, a precipitation automatic, a frost automatic and a heat are coffee Plaza still not be used, but at any time demand to be switched to. A dynamic location for the port of Hamburg promises to be, which is still today the largest European import square and port for coffee the international coffee Plaza. The building owner of the ICP, the Neumann coffee group, as well as architects and designers want to achieve, you can encounter history and future alike. With glass panels awnings led the Sun to the ambitious building complex has a forward-looking element of modern building technology.