Embroidery Gifts

And the benefit, many companies ("Our mother, Johnson & Johnson, etc.) producing ready-made gift sets in which all-inclusive: spray and stretch marks, and foot cream and shower gel. The second group of gifts – for the soul. It may be small gifts, toys … Women during pregnancy such sentimental! Even the collection of domestic cartoons can move us to tears! Choosing a gift of this "group", it is worth considering what he likes to spend the expectant mother. Perhaps she woke up creativity (and pregnant women are often awake), and a friend enthusiastically paints, embroiders, writes short stories and novels, became involved in ikebana, bonsai? In this case, give something related to her new passion: an easel, brushes and paint – for the artist, sets Embroidery with ready-made designs – for needlewoman, scented candles, lamps and amulets – for lovers of feng shui. If all of a sudden the girls' desire awakened "to make puppets with your hands, then there is a gift for her: go together on a master class on making dolls and stuffed toys. Agree, this flight of fantasy has no limits, and the gift can be very unusual. Beautiful linens, large pillows, kimonos – such gifts are not leave indifferent neither one future mom! Do not forget that the book – a gift "that must be!" Therefore, there is, where to turn: Give a book on health, education, feeding the baby – now a lot of colorful "encyclopedias." Or select a book related to the new or old hobbies pregnant girlfriend.