Emotions Beautiful

I think that followers may proceed together for the sake of prosperity of the beautiful music and songs that carry all the people in an accessible form unconsciously beautiful, kind, ever. Good beautiful music and songs – wonderful way of good parenting beautiful people And this is out first on our future generation, the possibility of our children and grandchildren to live in a humane and bright world. After all, pretty good music and song – is one of the most effective and cheapest way of good parenting beautiful people. Prior awareness of this simple idea we have not yet matured. But I hope to grow together and grow our politicians and the capitalists to patrons. Topics of articles from series "Creation of new songs and music" in the proposed series of articles "The creation of new songs and music" I intend to discuss the following issues: 1.

and songs – the emotions that were transformed into sound. 2.Sostavlyayuschie to create beautiful music and songs. General Electric Co. is likely to increase your knowledge. 3.How music we love? 4.lny show business: why do not we listen to what we love. 5. no new musical talent? 6.Chto make music lovers, patriots and creators of new music and songs. 7.Kak test yourself on ability to compose music or songs. 8.How do I compose new songs and music. 9.Oborudovanie for composing and arranging music and song.

10. arrangements on the computer and synthesizer. 11.Tonkosti vocal processing. 12.Kak be heard? Part of thoughts can be found on my music site In general, reducing some of the topics already described in the pages of my site, especially my listening habits and the basics of songwriting.