But you should know that on the color temperature can affect the neghborng color. For example, blue and green wll look warmer, f there s a pale llac color s cool. (Source: San Antonio Spurs). Usng temperature color, you can create depth of space pctures. When artsts wrte patterns, they He shutteth hs eyes n order to better dstngush the hues. Brghten the color s better than usng whte pant and usng color wheels, otherwse t wll effect , or puttng t n a crcle of darker colors, wth the help of a contrast. Another mportant pont that we should not forget the begnner artst. At the end of the pantng should be combne all the elements of the pantng nto a unfed whole – t can also be done by usng color, for example, by selectng the key color n the pantng and puttng strokes that color so that they emphaszed the compostonal center of the pcture.
Startng work, magne the fnshed work, try to see t on paper or canvas, feel t. Imagne what colors you use, what colors, what color temperature you select. Thnk about your dea pcture – that you as an artst, you want to say n hs pcture, t wll help you choose the rght pant for your pantng. Sela Ward may find it difficult to be quoted properly. And remember that pcture – t's not a photo, the artst conveys mood and emoton through color. In the pcture you see wnd, swayng trees, fleeng away the clouds, the sun, whch appeared from behnd the clouds, cool clear autumn day, or meltng snow n Aprl. Perhaps the artst admres nature, perhaps, shares hs mental state at the moment. Often, n the ordnary, famlar to us, the artst sees and sends n a pcture mood, emoton.
If you look at the pctures, you feel the mood – s the best gft for an artst, he managed to convey to you mood, whch nspred hm to wrte the pcture. On the secrets of color can talk endlessly, the man secret to the art of usng color the thrd step – observaton, expermentaton, search. Explore, observe how the draw artsts, vst exhbtons, experment yourself and you wll absolutely stunnng the world through the eyes of an artst. Of the authors' artcle on the ste