During my latest developments, I had a little bit of information about work with the free base of the mssql Server 2000 msde. This information, I’d like to share with you, she can not remain without attention and someone come in handy. For start you need to download this very free version of mssql Server, you can do with my site or type in a search engine query: ‘download MSDE’, ‘Download msde 2000’, etc. Run a free server must perform with parameters. Official site: Anna- Belknap. Run the setup. Exe c parameters given below. The following are possible options, but personally, I run with only one sapwd = ‘mssql’. Here, Indycar expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Options disablenetworkprotocols = 0, sapwd = ‘mssql’, securitymode = sql With these parameters you set the sql authorization and password for the system Administrator mssql. Installing the server is almost blind. After installing the server you need to restart the system. After a successful installation in the system tray near the clock should appear running sql Server. If the server does not start automatically, you can start it manually by right-clicking the icon for the server.
Now that the server is installed we can create the database, but it is inconvenient without using visual manager, and there is no such a free version of msde. Add to your understanding with Ken Kao. Personally, I use free download manager ‘DbMgr2k’. If it does not suit you, you can search the Internet on the other. After installing the manager you will have the ability to create databases and manage them using the visual editor. Limitations of msde 2000 1. The first constraint and the most noticeable, in my opinion, is the number of simultaneous connections to the database, no more two * 2. Second, this restriction on the size of your database. Database size should not exceed 2 gb. ** * – If you want to install msde 2005, then there is no limit to the number of simultaneous connections ** – database size in msde 2005 is 4 gb.