Fund Life

The Evangelical magazine ‘chrismon’ presents the German life bridge e.V. and its project ‘KidAiD against child poverty in Germany’ in its current issue. Child poverty has many faces: bad diet, lack of education, lack of human warmth and social isolation. Since 2003, the German life bridge therefore financed with their project KidAiD against child poverty in Germany “nationwide major offers in children and Jugendzentren.Mit help from donations allows the German life bridge free hot meals, cooking classes and other educational services.” All actions are funded solely by donations. The Association helps children, such as the nine-year old Kai, who has found a second home on the youth farm Ramersdorf in Munich. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City is likely to increase your knowledge. Before he went to the farm almost every day, the only child of a single mother hanging out too often much with chips before the television. On the farm, he meets other children, gets healthy eating and taking care of the chickens.

The city of Munich has the grants for homework set. Therefore, the German life bridge wants to take over the financing. Because education is a way out of poverty for the children. But is instructed to regularly to provide homework assistance to children, the Club on donations. For about 380, you give the chance for a better education, a child where you for a care for his homework assignments a year Fund..