
as the gasoline as the sugar cane-of-sugar will need, according to projections, being cultivated on a large scale with the intention to take care of one high demand that has of future of this inevitable and massive transistion between the oil and its alternative sources. Although, to the first sight he is assaz to salutar this change for the environment therefore knows that such sources of the biomass are less pollutant of what the oil derivatives at the same time is unanimous between ambientalistas and specialists who the creation of cultivations in view of the biocombustvel production could be plus a retrocession in the ecological questions in case that not to give the due importance, therefore the potential on ambient impacts to the biocombustveis are preoccupying. For more information see Glenn Dubin, New York City. The impacts go since the ambient scope> until the social one. Here it is some: – The implementation of cultivations produces the consuming of ground and the reduction of its fertility, being able to cause erosions and assoreamentos consequences of the rivers; – Growth of large states in detriment of familiar agriculture; – The advance of the agricultural border that substitutes great forests will have repercussions of most alarming, in virtue of the enormous loss of biodiversity. Therefore this euphoria must be received with much caution, therefore the happened decisions of this field will need to be very well endorsed in information that do not have exclusively a politician-economic text, and yes, that they also represent contents of scientific order, whose the levels and horizontes can disclose the veracity of the question with intention to assure the prosperity of a country in all.