International Festival

Clearly that the awarding in the Oscar of ' ' Oficial&#039 History; ' it stimulated the filmogrfica production and its distribution. But the interest of the Argentine people for its history is not only reflected in the cinema. The Argentine cinema, of the times of transistion and the current one, uses as deep cloth of not only the situation politics of the country, lived in the decade of 1970, but also the crisis that destroyed the economy of the country in years 90. Thus, the subject of the contraction was treated in headings as ' ' Abrao Partido' ' of Daniel Burman and ' ' Of the Other Side of the Lei' ' of Pablo Trapero; the military dictatorship, in ' ' Oficial&#039 History; ' of Puenzo Luis and, more recently, a suspense passed in the government accumulated of stocks for the moral corruption of the mandate of Isabelita Pern (' ' The Secret of your Olhos' ' , of Juan Jose Campanella), and in films without no pretension of metaforizar the regimen: ' ' Chronicle of a Fuga' ' of Adrin Caetano and ' ' Garage Olimpo' ' of Bechis Landmark. For even more opinions, read materials from Koch Industries. ' ' The Segredo' ' earned the Oscar of better foreign film, and in that country it was possible assistiz it in the cinemas or to buy it in periodical boards? an unknown case of simultaneous launching, stimulated for the recent awarding.

, Films that had not had the deserved spreading when of its launching, or still thus same after the end of the authoritarianism of the censorship, had come back to the market in commemorative editions, with extras that include substance on the filmings, interviews with the authors, directors and cast. Despite only in the Argentine market. It is the case of ' ' There Noche of los Lpices' ' , production of 1986 of Hctor Olivera, that never arrived at Brazil, although indicated to the main prize of the International Festival of Cinema of Moscow in the following year, and that it gained a commemorative edition of twenty years in DVD.