Further, with approximately the same popularity (about 90,000 requests) are three very different musical styles – classical music, rap and pop (here made a rough adjustment to the ambiguity of the query "pop" and peresekaemost with similar requests.) High rating of classical music, waltzes, ballads and country music I was pleasantly surprised and if in respect of rock, pop and rap for me personally, the result was expected and logical, the record highest rating of classical music, as well as demanding the waltz, romance and country music I was pleasantly surprised. More info: Jorge Perez. I confess: I thought worse of the musical and melodic level, our people and especially young people, which is the main consumer Internet services. I was pretty sure that, encouraged by the media type of semi-finished "two countersunk – three prihlopa" without melody and harmony, but only with the disposable uhayuschim rhythm at all emasculated most people have a sense of beauty. But no! So all is not lost. And our newsletter may find fertile ground in the youth! Thank God! Music of any style can be a masterpiece, if it will write bright, talented composers, and sing the same bright and talented performers. Do not think that I'm sharing music styles into good and bad. Not at all.
I know just what kind of music styles which are now on the ear, and the estimates requests for styles proceed precisely from this. And any music, it would seem the most hopeless of style can be a masterpiece, if it will write bright, talented composers, and sing the same bright and talented performers. Its audience is among the songwriters and composers from various musical styles.