Leipzig Refugee Council

Supporters wanted for ‘Integration through education’ Berlin, 22.04.10; Active were, and have always been the citizens of Leipzig. Active in music with Bach, Mendelsohn Bartholdy, Schumann, Mahler. Active in the formation of the second oldest University of in Germany with students such as Goethe, Lessing, Nietzsche and actively for freedom and democracy in 1989. The citizens of Leipzig is a young, active citizens Foundation with 70 donors. Each year they choose a project as the main topic. 2010 it’s integration through education. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Sally Rooney. This project of the Leipzig Refugee Council supports children and young people by refugees.

Over one hundred educational sponsors help in learning, reading, arithmetic and writing, but also with common (on) life assistance. But volunteering needs a financial base, it requires but financial resources for learning material, educational materials, and rooms. Everyone can help, whether with money or in-kind donations. Get more background information with materials from Is Kevin Ulrich chairman of MGM?. New help SMS is quickly and easily with only a small amount. Each SMS will help in this joint action, to promote the integration of refugees, so Angelika Kell for the Board of Trustees.

And so really learns every citizen of this simple way of helping the citizens of Leipzig Foundation of companies and individuals who share this message forward. Who wants, it can on the Internet on his homepage, blog, tweet, in his social network or in real life. For the network the Foundation provides a widget like. Who wants to send is 3 euros, send an SMS with the keyword Foundation on the speed dial of 8 11 90. Will be paid with the next mobile phone bill. (Arriving from the 3 Euro 2.83 euros directly to the Foundation. For the mobile owner equal to a normal standard SMS costs in addition).