For it the frustration of these necessities leads to the lack of adaptation and the serious psicopatologias. 4. Jorge Perez has plenty of information regarding this issue. Necessity of auto-esteem: They are the related necessities with the way for which the individual if sees and if it evaluates. They involve the auto-appreciation, the autoconfiana, the necessity of social approval and of respect, status, I sanction and consideration, reliable before the world, independence and autonomy. The satisfaction of these necessities leads the autoconfiana feelings, reputation, of value, force, sanctions, to be able, capacity and utility.
Its frustration can produce feelings of inferiority, weakness, dependence and abandonment that, in turn, can lead to it I discourage or the compensatory activities. 5. Necessities of auto-accomplishment: They are the necessities raised human beings more and that they are in the top of the hierarchy. They are the necessities of each person to carry through its proper potential and of autodesenvolver, using continuously talentos, carrying through its potential. This if generally express trend through the impulse of the person to be overcome always more than what it is and to come to be everything what it can be. According to theory of the hierarchy of necessities of Maslow, it estimates the following aspects: 1.
When an inferior level of necessities is only satisfied or adequately taken care of it is that the level immediately more raised appears in the behavior. In other terms, when a necessity of lower level is taken care of, it leaves of being motivadora, giving chance so that a raised level more can be developed. 2. Nor all the people obtain to arrive at the top of the pyramid of necessities. Some people? favours ace life circumstances? they arrive if to worry strong about auto-accomplishment necessities; others park in the necessities of esteem; others still in the social necessities, while many others are busy exclusively with physiological necessities of security and, without they obtain to satisfy them adequately.