Music For Babies

Have you ever imagined a world in which there is no sound? If we stop to watch, and hear, almost all the sounds that we hear during the day are like musical instruments playing any song: rain, wind, Thunder, the song of birds, etc. Thus, as babies begin to observe, learn, differentiate and acquire sensitivity with the sounds. Music brings well-being and tranquility for the baby since it was found in the same womb of his mother. If the mother listening repeatedly during pregnancy, baby remember it after birth and is calm with her if he hears it. In a recent study, a group of children whose mothers had followed a television series is soothing to hear the tune in the first week of life! Children of mothers who had not seen the series did not respond in the same way. Related Group understood the implications. Investigations showed that the babies had learned to associate the tune with a period of peace and tranquility in which MOM was comfortable for half an hour against television. The same type of reaction was seen in babies whose parents regularly heard the same music during pregnancy. According to the German pianist Wolfgang Leibnitz, music is the pleasure the soul undergoes counting without being aware of what account. A way to develop the sensitivity of your baby to music is to make that he imitates, with mouth, objects and sounds of what is happening in its surrounding. That may be the beginning of everything.