In addition to all of the above, the results of observations – these people have exacerbated what we call intuition. "Do not go to the store, it is still open" – casual, not looking up from his computer game. In reply to question "How do you know?" – just phlegmatic shrug. Such cases of "guessing" of some small events can become quite a regular occurrence. Apparently one of the consequences of mutation is a worsening sensitivity up to psychic level. So we can assume that in our time abilities of psychics have been very, very many, though not aware of this because of the materialistic education and natural skepticism. Therefore there is good husbandry for a living to those involved in "the disclosure of super-powers" by collecting a variety of seminars, courses. All the laurels of what the average person for several days gained the ability to sensorics, gets the great teacher, master, owning a unique technique.
While in fact they are just open people's eyes to what they already are. So it is more appropriate to create not courses on "how to activate the ability, and school" how to use them in everyday life. " Based on the latest discoveries of modern physics about the existence of physical vacuum, which implies a unified theory energy-information field that gives a scientific interpretation of the fact that earlier belonged to the category of mysticism, the idea that we are all slowly becoming psychics not so crazy as it might seem. If you far from the news of science, I think you will be very interesting unbelievable news that worldwide are already developing and research on obtaining energy from the vacuum, yielding new results and discoveries.