
As scholar of aesthetics, Teratology and the focus of study I give from the perspective of the philosophy of art and art history; me is indispensable not only to understand, discuss and argue the creative works: call boxes, sculptures or any other artistic form of work. It is necessary to sometimes resort to biographies to understand the creative process of a particular author. And with the passage of the years, and I understand that in most of the times the creative genius is product of a strong commitment with their own work. Believe in a way visceral in what are being conducted. They are willing to pay the price not only for defending their ideals but transform the persons mental paradigm as it happens with themselves. Nothing will stop them.

And rather than speak of a motivational resource, must rescue the artistic arrogance, resulting in positive terms, valuable and inspiring to promote tenacity. Great value is amazing indeed not only artistic but of life experience that we inherit the great creators. They are a clear example of self-discipline and determination before such displayed idea who decide to carry it out. And everything that I mentioned comes to collation by two things: first, there I read an artistically wise expression that made with respect to the work and creation of Cezane: comment Gauguin makes it to refer of the own Cezane not he painted because he was brilliant, but it was great because he painted. In other words, his success lies in his tenacity. Secondly, in conversation that I had with a person understood and I learned firsthand that the path of each who is already traced, only has to walk around. If someone wants to block, delete or remove that road, it will be impossible because we will always find the answers on the other hand. Of course, if we are aware of which are really our capabilities and creative or any other skills in our life. When I refer to the otherness of self, I would say that, as in the hermeneutic process of visual communication between the viewer and the artwork, one sees himself in the other. No one more than one, must create and tirelessly defend your own work’s success. The ingredients for this purpose are: vocation, passion, own love, existential certainty, knowledge of their talents, creative clarity, animal defence of your beliefs, satisfactions in the long term, among others. So in conclusion I thank to the conversation I had today. Because this woman woke my creative genius of the best work that can design one: our own life.