Gypsy tarot minor arcana are grouped into four suits or series of letters, the same as the Spanish deck: gold, Cup, sword and rough. The arcana of gold and coarse represent everything related to labour, material progress, the abundance and projects. The Cup, meanwhile, offer predictions about the evolution of human relationships, are friendly, family or romantic. Within this framework, the arcana of sword stand out within the Gypsy tarot for your reference to intellectual processes and knowledge. It is worth knowing more deeply, then, this series of letters that help us to act and decide with wisdom.
The ACE of Spades, with its ornate Crown of laurels, speaks of a triumph achieved despite the difficulties. The Gypsy tarot tells us thus persevere is wise, and that easy triumph is never durable. The two of swords, meanwhile, suggests a balance of forces which translates into strength, peace, justice and narrowing of the bonds of friendship within the Gypsy tarot. As with other clubs, the first two cards of the series are often convey auspicious and positive messages. Not the case with the eight of swords, although it is always positive to be warned against a possible future difficulties. With the appearance of this letter, the Gypsy tarot warning about probable obstacles or restrictions, perhaps by a disease, perhaps by the same indecision of the consultant, that keeps him so trapped like a physical captivity.
If it appears upside down, on the other hand, the eight of swords predicts that we can break the shackles of the past. Courtly letters (paje, Knight, King and Queen) deserve separate chapter. The first is the eleven of swords, also called the Princess within some more modern tarots. For the Gypsy tarot portrays a man (or woman) young, deductive and penetrating mind and great skill, both physically and mentally. The twelve swords, the Knight, is also young as well as bouncy, courageous and dashing. It may be somewhat unstable, but his intentions are good and honest. The King and Queen, in contrast, are in the Gypsy tarot mature, severe and majestic. Great intelligence and analytical skills, can both suggest the presence of a person who advises with good judgement, if they appear to the right, as warn about the arrival of powerful enemies, if they come out reversed.