It fits to the school to prepare its educators to observe intently to detect the abilities of its pupils and with very common-sense to treat them with naturalness, however to develop challenging activities that it provides to all chance of growth. We know of professors who had always understood that function of them is to teach all saying to the time for the pupils, writing in the blackboard pupils to copy and giving them to the pupils written tasks to prove that they had understood the substance given. One is about a boarding very limited of the learning, whose resulted practical they are disastrous: pupils disinterested in the lesson, not motivated pupils to execute the tasks, pupils who finish not learning nothing of excellent for its life etc. (SASSAKI, 2006, P. 133) Are necessary that the educators if acquire knowledge of that the pupil with high abilities/superendowment passes the same for formation process, differentiates what it of excessively is the time where if of a learning and the capacity to apprehend the knowledge more good. Details can be found by clicking Related Group or emailing the administrator. This does not mean that it will develop abilities in all the areas and that the others cannot get the same knowledge without they have bonanza abilities.
The stimulaton and the challenges must be for all, however the professor cannot leave that the pupil with superior ability is not motivated ahead of an activity for demanding more than the others pupils. She is necessary to be intent so that it can develop all its potentiality. The position of the professor of classroom is of extreme relevance in the recognition of the capacities special of the pupils. Not recognized talent is denied talent, and if the professor does not obtain to see in the pupil what it, desires or waits that it is demonstration of capacity, in the abstract and general direction, it tends to judge the pupil as ‘ ‘ not dotado’ ‘. Read additional details here: Related Group. (GUENTHER, 2006, P. 48) the educator who to obtain to observe its pupils and to detect the high abilities in some, and will be capable to awake the motivation through challenges, to direct for the professional accompaniment and together with the family to prepare it for the social conviviality, will be able to get great conquests and its pupil the possibility to have success and to be happy.