Edson Silva In the article series on workmanships of ‘ ‘ teletransporte universal’ ‘ or simply travelling, the inspired music of today is ‘ ‘ Vermelho’ ‘ , in the pretty voice of Vanessa of Mata. The world wheel in goes, while it likes to admire the smile and to spend hours being seen to sleep the loved person. Not without time, the singer observes the sun to invade the soil of the apartment and the Square of If where it sees an old one spending its solitude in way to the pigeons. To the gostoso rocking of reggae, the talentosa singer says to be red kisses that burn almost it. Kisses certainly of the loved person, meigos eyes.
Alert Vanessa that everything can retrocede. The old solitary of the square, perhaps taken now for the multitude of people and pigeons, can be people at moment of solitude in the deep one of the soul, when we need to request aconchego to finish with the cold, who knows in red kisses, that almost burn in them and leave languid our face. How wealth our Brazilian Popular Music! When remembering the workmanship, until it seems that the voice of Vanessa of Mata starts to take by assault ours softly soul and is installed in subtle and natural way, as if always we had been property of the imerecida beauty. is not as soon as makes look like to be most of this world of contrasts? The same beauty, that we believe nor to deserve, divides space with histories of solitude, sadnesses and injustices. But, as alert Vanessa, everything it can retrocede at any point and who knows, instead of being the solitary gentleman of the square and the pigeons, either it example of the well lived life and that in it will give the prescription to them of making to be valid the penalty to live, in intense way, always admiring the magician of the art (of Vanessa), them colors (Red), them images (the sun invading the soil it apartment and of the public square) and of the sounds (reggae that it packs and it makes to follow trip in the kisses, that in they almost burn).