Safety Glass

Today, safety glass everywhere – especially it is used widely in construction and automotive industries. However, it appeared by chance. Back in 1903 a French scientist – and in combination as an artist and a composer – Edward Benedictus accidentally dropped a glass flask on the floor and, if not strange, it is not broke. As it turned out, earlier in the flask contained a solution of collodion – he vanished, but the inner surface vessel remained covered with a thin layer. In those years, France is actively developing automotive industry, but the windshield of machines made of ordinary glass, which causes frequent injuries of drivers in collisions. Benedictus considered a very useful application of his invention in cars, but his proposal was not accepted because it considered it too expensive to produce. Only a few decades later – during the Second World War – triplex (the so-called heavy-duty glass) was used in gas masks, and in 1944 Volvo had used it in cars. Triplex now widely used to create a unique and strong decorative elements..