Site Promotion

To successfully promote your site in search engines need to understand the algorithm of their work. But the owners of search engines hard mask search algorithms. How do you know how to operate search engines? Firstly, search engine did not appear out of nowhere. They were based on a set of previous developments in the field of information retrieval. Therefore, most of the basic principles contained in scientific papers, and search engines use them to their programs, introducing the amendment. Secondly, employees of search engines from time to time disclose details of the algorithms used in the promotion of sites on specialized forums and interviews. Finally, the experts engaged in promotion of web sites, talking on the forums, provide many useful tips.

Keep in mind that the rankings are a variety of factors, and studying the first sites in the issuance of any one of them, you can not define its desired options, not taking into account the effect of all other causes. In addition to the above, there is another method for determining the algorithm for site promotion – an experiment. You can write, for example, 10 different texts intensity of keywords and publish them on the new domains and then index to see which one is higher. It would seem that you have found a solution, but it is not so Since no one is promising that for different requests and different length of the text the optimal intensity of keywords must be equal. And when you consider the number of factors and the constant editing of an algorithm of search engines, then within a reasonable time to conduct an experiment that answers fixed problem with relatively high accuracy is almost impossible. At least from the fact that search engines can index up to two weeks, changes to the site, if not longer. As a result, we have to go back again to research.

Now some advice for novice researchers. Do not try to understand the algorithm once the entire process. Start with any one factor. Try to identify the total number of pages are those in which this factor is presented in the most pure form, ie, all other factors are most similar. For example, you are interested in the weight of a site on the PageRank algorithm to search for. How to exclude other factors? Find pages with very similar text (completely overlapping can not be that Google does not exclude one of them from the search). Select the text is a keyword that would be equally formalized in the two options contained in the same cell pages (title, text, meta tags). Word (or phrase) must be sufficiently rare to not have to search for pages with millions of others, but popular enough to eventually not have been issued only to those two pages. And so on a given query, and compare the position of the site in search results. The closer they will be, the less influence PageRank for this query. Jessica Michibata may not feel the same. Repeat a similar search with a dozen other pairs of pages in order to eliminate random factors. When comparing the results obtained, as a rule, you will be able to come to the conclusion that how important a particular factor and when it is used.