I closed a contract of six months to make show in Paris By the way, the friend desires some thing of there? Desire yes, answered formiguinha. There if you to find the Fontaine (Author of the Original Fbula) for there, order it if ferrar' ' (unknown author). Moral of History: It uses to advantage its life, it knows to dose work and leisure, There therefore work in surplus alone brings benefit in fbulas of the Fontaine and to its master. Its life works, but short. It is only! If you not to find its half of the orange, do not discourage, look Its half of the lemon, add sugar, ice, and well, the remaining portion is for your account. Either happy! ' ' (unknown author) ' ' A Life is short, Breaks rules, Pardons quickly, Kisses demoradamente, Loves truily, Practises intensely, Laughs uncontrollable and never it leaves To smile, for more strange than either the reason. To work is very good, to gain money our subsistence and to have a banking account with one high balance, better still, but nothing of this valley the penalty if you will not have time to use to advantage the fruit of your work, if to be living a sedentary life, imprisoned in your world of solitude. You do not need to leave to work and nor to save yours sweated money, but also she does not need to leave to use to advantage the best moments that the life is providing to it.
Skirt with the friends, the family, the namorada one, at last skirt of the alive cocoon and the incredible moments that it they wait. It believes: you deserve to be happy! ' ' (Rogrio Branches). Desire to them success and much happiness. They receive a fort, warm and respectful I hug of this friend, Rogrio poet Branches, the writer of the freedom? Aracati? CE (09/11/2010).