Greek Cuisine

Mediterranean cuisine and Greek in particular is very useful and conducive to longevity. Swarmed by offers, real-estate developer is currently assessing future choices. And all thanks to the olives and olive oil, present in most cooked dishes. Jessica Michibata often says this. Greeks consume them daily and in large quantities. In addition, the table of the Greeks always present all kinds of seafood, squid, octopus, shrimp and other delicacies. And of course, a big role in Greek cuisine is given meat dishes. And that meat is better absorbed, his lavishly sprinkled with lemon juice and washed down with excellent Greek wines. Establishments where you can sit back and good to eat well – a great many. Unfortunately, in the resort towns, most restaurants are increasingly likened to the European fast food.

Food that is prepared there, but its name recalls the Greek cuisine. To taste the real Greek cuisine, there is nothing better than a tavern. And the longer this Tavern on the resort towns with their inexhaustible flow of tourists, the better. There are tavernas specializing in fish – psarotaverna, grilled or roast meat – , kebabs – . Except traditional bars is a national institution – Usery (something like our rumochnaia, but in its civilized version). It bought anisette ouzo or raki – the grape vodka and snacks – mezedes.

Crayfish – is generally national strong drink, they say that it helps in any disease. Cancers often offer guests as aperetiva. Greeks are well prepared fresh fish. Unfortunately, guests of the island, have tried fish cuisine at the resort, it may give the opposite view about the local fish cuisine, but it is solely because of the same "fast food", when the restaurant is seeking the maximum profit during the tourist season, and neglects the quality of food in favor of its quantity.

Czech Republic

Especially in light of recent in 2007, significant changes of the Czech legislation concerning the location of foreign nationals for long-term visas on the territory of the Czech Republic. Currently, long-term ownership of a visa giving the right to reside in the territory of the cr, before the registration application for permanent residency has declined from 10 years to 5 years, this is a significant difference greatly lowered demand for the acceleration of obtaining permanent residence based on marriage to citizens of the Czech Republic. Moreover, if in the past, long-term visa was issued for a period of one year and required its annual renewal, now an annual visa applicant shall be given in consulate in the country to which apply for the residence permit, and all subsequent visa, weed before applying to the Institute. the police department for visas and permits, after 5 years, permanent location in the Czech Republic, are done in a period of two year. Thus, the reduced increase each year the flow of asylum-term visas, by excluding them already have, for a period of two years. It can also be considered for long-stay visa and subsequent permanent residence to applicants who apply for their visas on the basis of training in one of many educational institutions in the Czech Republic. This way of processing Rentals, from our point of view, not entirely satisfied potential in the future, applicants for permanent residence, since studies limits the rights of the applicant exactly 50%, to obtain permanent residency holder of a visa to live in the Czech Republic for at least 10 years.