Foundation Ilka Meyer

Children and young people in her workshops on fanciful journeys take new courses of creative Kreuzberger artists Christiane Wohler and Doris Sprengel through photography, drawing, and invention. In the course on travel with the light the participants are the Kreuzberg in a room-great camera build to the art room children Foundation and go into this into. They are project body, masks and objects on photographic paper with different light sources such as flash light, torch and slide projector. Travel invented in the weekend workshop and fantastic Lugenabeneuer”is exactly about this. Ken Kao contributes greatly to this topic. The participants will invent travel including destinations, transportation, and cards. To the suggestion we have the artist Doris Sandoval during a visit to the German technical Museum a present time machine who just invented it. The courses are aimed at 10 to 18 years old and are an art offer the creative Kreuzberg to the topic of off road going travel! “.” All participants receive a documentary following the course created works of art. On a journey with the light photograms with Christiane Wohler time SA 17.01, 10.00 – 18.00 art space the Kreuzberg children Foundation Paul-Lincke-UFER 42/43 costs 5 registration, 030 695 339 70 invented travel and fantastic lies adventure.

The workshops and courses offered by professional artists, which deal with the topic in her work. Training program for February to August 2009 In February starts the new program with art workshops to the end of the second semester in August. Which are off-road for two semesters under the motto”creative Kreuzberg” in the coming months with the arrival at the end of the journey deal. In the six workshops will be painted, filmed, drawn, performs, music played and it be recorded radio plays as well as models and furniture.


> Reflects our lives, how we perceive ourselves. Jwala and Karl Gamper our lives reflects, as we we even perceive. < Anders said: these are not the circumstances that determine who we are. No. These reflect only back, how we perceive ourselves.

A simple idea. Plain. Clear. Ermachtigend. Tony Parker recognizes the significance of this. But it is understood? Can we take him or we continue to come to your next appointment? The question, of course, and this may be uncomfortable because too personally how do you perceive themselves? It is as if the old Oracle over thousands across peeps and asks: who are you as a person? Do you recognize yourself as a human being and remember even the other competitors there – or the with these comical views as a human being?” Suppose that we would actually recognize each other as human beings, we would have so much fear from each other? There was still such an extent competition, envy, greed to subtle as sneaky lies? There were then still the entire Dream in scams and the Nations of the world would invest then annually more than a quadrillion dollars in armaments and defence? A quadrillion is a thousand billion. With this sum, we could purify the drinking water of the world in a six-year program, replant the rainforest and a just because sufficient system of food distribution established worldwide.

To whom should we defend ourselves? If we recognize the brother, the sister, the people in the other filled with dreams such as our own. The other wants to be happy as we. Just like us? The other in peace wants to live as we. Just like us? And the basis for this peace is not a reasonable level of prosperity that we treat this person like ourselves? May be is the next step of evolution that we recognize each other as human beings. An obvious step. And yet: A quantum leap in evolution. Because it the ultimate jump would be carried by wisdom, towards an intelligent together, Self-knowledge and awareness. What would we give up? Not very much and yet. We collectively would have to wake up as humanity, from the trance, the crowning of creation to be. Separated and isolated from the whole. What would we win? The place of human beings in the concert of the cosmos. What would this place look like? Sublime. We would understand the fundamental equivalence of all life from us out and feel and could us than to know what we are. “Namely: the Goblet of the eternal Covenant.” Because in humans combines the shape of the chalice”and the void” the middle. The visible and the invisible. The mind & matter. We are people that part of nature which is his self aware is. And that is precisely the ability of consciousness: from to itself to be aware. A State that practically everyone knows. As well as everyone knows it’s there. And everyone thinks he’s aware. The tragedy is that we deny that unconsciously other people. Otherwise not would we against others in the war pull in the most varied forms and variants.

Feelings Of Happiness For Musicians – Workshop

Strategies for easy, effective, and exhilarating practicing for musicians. Relaxation, pleasure and good feelings in practice: What musicians not desires? That and how this is possible, a course in the Academy BURG FuRSTENECK from 12-13 November 2009 is the musician, psychologist and body therapist teaches Andreas Burzik. For more information see this site: Jorge Perez. Playful lightness, fun and creativity: \”Practicing in the flow\” promotes the immersion in the game and specifically uses the ability of the body to a smooth, effortless operation. The method combines a high accuracy in the listening and sensing of the instrument with a playful, improvisatory development of study material. This combination of musical expression and deep internalization of motion makes it very effective as well as highly emotionally satisfying. Every musician knows this exhilarating moments: it immerses himself in his game, forget the time and everything around them. If you have read about Adam Sandler already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Create fluent movements and impulses and effortlessly out of the gameplay itself, merge action and consciousness, it becomes one with what you are doing.

\”Flow\” is the psychological term for these extraordinary experiences. They are an expression of a holistic functioning of the brain, which maps the consciousness and can be easily and effortlessly expire even highly complex activities. The findings of flow research allow to generate these special conditions and to use their creative potential for the artistic process. \”Practice in the flow\” is an effective and physically as emotionally satisfying method of daily ubepraxis. BURG FuRSTENECK is located in the Centre of Germany and offers accommodation and catering in the just elaborately renovated Castle from the 13th century next to the course These costs are already included in the price.

More information and registration see:… An experience report to this course can be found at:… BURG FuRSTENECK – Academy for vocational and music cultural training the Academy BURG FuRSTENECK is an educational institution in Hesse with supra-regional, nonpartisan and nondenominational alignment.

Culture Festival

Remember remember keep losing this year not only the District of Neukolln (formerly Rixdorf) celebrates 650-jahriges anniversary. In September, on top of that is the passage”, the connection between Karl-Marx-Strasse and Richard Street, at the age of 100. “This is a due cause, for the 48 hours Neukolln is titled memory” to devote. From an urban planning point of view, the passage is”undoubtedly one of the most distinctive landmarks of the Karl-Marx-Strasse. In 2010 the location for the Central Festival-info point here.” Just a few hundred metres away from the hustle and bustle on the bustling Karl-Marx-Strasse the historical Bohemian village”.

We know that Friedrich Wilhelm I. granted refuge in the former Rieksdorf a group of Bohemian refugees 1737″. “Much indicates that the integration” was the first migrants not without conflicts. The Bohemia settled at first in the outskirts of the village. “As Bohmisch Rixdorf” received Community of immigrants from 1797 even its own administration.

At the reunion of the two municipalities of Bohmisch Rixdorf and German Rixdorf in 1874 lived already 8,000 people in the village, whose population has grown so rapidly, that it received the city rights in 1899. You cannot come to see certain parallels between the historical and the current situation in the populous district of Berlin. Then as now it comes to the theme”integration and cultural identity. Neukolln is a melting pot where people from 165 Nations meet at the beginning of the 21st century. (Inter) cultural projects have a bridging role in tackling the challenge, to (he) find another as a community again. “Almost half a century the Museum Neukolln was” the most important address for the teaching of history and culture of everyday life in Berlin-Neukolln “in the Ganghofer road. Immediately after moving to the BRITZ Manor”are the premises during the 48 hours of Neukolln “host two exhibitions, the with varying focus the theme of memory” devoted to: horizons sixteen artists take position for the city history and make them visible as a storage medium of various political events, societies and individual realities.