Recognizing Favorite

* DO YOU WANT TO SEE MORE AND BETTER? TRANSFORMS TU be and really different * Elizabeth Polack do not you think that it is more convenient that you build a world VISION that you support and you grant resources and tools? STEP 2: Recognizing the TERRITORIOLa technique of the lista:Te promise that this is funny! 1 Make a list of 10 to 20 features of your personality that you like it, for example: sense of humor, determination, love of family, desire to serve. 2. Select 4 or 5 of your personality favorite features 3. Referring you to these 4 or 5 characteristics of your personality, make a list of 10 to 20 ways of expressing these features you enjoy: for example: write, talk, go with my hiking friends. 4. In the preceding list, choose 4 or 5 favorite 5. Write a statement or account of your VISION of the IDEAL world.

Type this vision in the present tense and in terms of how you want to be. 6 Put all of this together in a complete sentence in the following format: the purpose of my life is to use my (Insert here your favorite personality traits) in (Insert here your favorite ways to express your personality traits) to (Insert here your vision of ideal world). STEP 3: DIFFERENTIATE and define: capabilities and TALENTOSTus talents have to do with your abilities, and something your recognition of your capabilities is very important, for it is the previous year. The recognition of yourself, live in the internal conversation that you explain yourself and the world. And that connects you or not, your possibilities and options. Talents have, skills definitely Yes; the key to them is the conversation you have with yourself. What generates opportunity and opens up possibilities is the approach you choose to have. When TU change by inside your life changed by outside * everything what you need and you need already lives in you * opens your perception to all what already are * enabling the process questions: what goals have earrings at this time? what talent you need to develop to achieve it? where you’ve been arrested? what you has distracted? STEP 4: Overcoming the STALEMATE in the expression of your TALENTS which was the objective with which you dramatically just a few seconds before you dock?In relation to the stagnation can choose to think about: * the road of success is BORDERED of TEMPTING places for parking * towards where ibas before stopping you? what internal conversation made you stop you? did or perhaps your vision of the world? how can re-connecting with your internal resources to continue toward your goal? do you think if this stagnation thing use to develop your talents? STEP 5: Develop your TALENTS and put them to the service of your OBJETIVOSLa key for generating options and possibilities, creating opportunities is: develop TUS TALENTOSAMARTE TUCONSTRUIR trust INQUEBRANTABLECONOCERTESABERTE CAPAZENFOCARTE in your OBJETIVOSVIGILAR TU conversation INTERNACREAR habits that support your development and all this are called BEHAVIORS of success.You have them, they are within you, waiting to bloom like majestic forests, perfect setting of your road to success.