10 Principles For Optimizing Your Life

The principles are timeless natural laws that govern the development of life, personal affectivity and interpersonal relationships. They do not represent simply the values of a society or person. The values of a society may be diverted in a certain moment of the principles, but the principles never cease to be nor lose validity. They are not a fad, because they apply in every place and time. The principles are fundamental and universal guidelines.

There is a difference between live by practices and principles. Practices can be valid at a given time, but may lose validity insofar as society progresses. The principles do not change; they are part of the human condition and his best legacy. Learn to live by principles implies a process of learning that lasts a lifetime. The principles do not represent recipes quick and easy. They are not instant or cosmetic solutions to fundamental problems.

Live by principles may demand a change of paradigm and important life, a way of seeing life and relationships very different from our perspective and current criteria, but at the same time they are a source of growth and lasting and authentic success. It OPTIMIZARE: Core principles for a life of genuine success. Principles which we will discuss below are part of the system of personal leadership OPTMIZARE, formulated by Dr. Ron Jenson in his book How to achieve authentic success. The selection of this group of principles grouped into the acrostic OPTIMIZARE represents more than a proposal for substantial and worthy principles, a system of leadership for the personal and organizational effectiveness. It OPTIMIZARE is a system of personal leadership aimed at enhancing the development of the skills and talents of the people, improve the performance and professional and labour productivity. His philosophy is oriented to expand the personal capacity to create the results that you want to teach.