And behold, one day, he did it. Fast forward to summer afternoon July 2007. E (Ye), the now 19-year-old boy and a student of meteorology Chinese University of Sun Yat-sen (Sun Yat-sen), bent over the table and stared peering into the black and white image of the starry space. The picture was taken earlier at night Taiwanese astronomer Chi Sheng Lin (Chi Sheng Lin) during the 'Star Patrol' in Lulin Observatory (Lulin). Finger E (Ye) moved from point to point – and suddenly froze.
Without a doubt, one of the stars was not at all a star, it was a comet, and this time, E (Ye) saw her first. Comet Lulin (Lulin), so named in honor of Taiwan's observatory, where the picture was taken, which helped make a discovery, is now approaching Earth. 'This green beauty, which, finally, can be seen with the naked eye in a few days' – says E (Ye). Amateur astronomer Jack Newton (Jack Newton) sends this photo, made with its suburban vantage point in Arizona: 'My' tired 'eyes still can not look at the glowing comet' – says Newton (Newton) ', – but my 14-inch telescope is perfectly coped with this on February 1. ' Comet closer to Earth at the closest distance (0.41 AU – 0.41 AU) February 24, 2009. According to current estimates, the comet will reach maximum brightness at about the fourth or fifth magnitude, and that means for monitoring It is necessary to choose the terrain with a dark sky.