Millenarian Techniques

Millenarian techniques for control of it estresse (MEDITATION) 2 part of three ' ' the mind without trainings has proper will, in them it takes the thoughts and attitudes that many times we do not want to have! ' ' Fbio Azevedo In the first part of this article, I cited some factors that contribute for the increase day-by-day estresse of it in ours, is clearly that each person, has a way to face the life, also possesss different experiences and opposing certainties, but what I want to emphasize here is the necessity of we exercise the mind, she is not alone our body that needs exercise to become healthful, the mind is main responsible for the good functioning of ours ' ' machine corporal' ' , and the meditation is comprovadamente one of the oldest and effective techniques of mental exercise. Meditar is simple, and although to have my religious certainties, I at any moment do not want to touch in the point religion, therefore the habit of meditar is enclosed in practically all the religions of the world, differing but in the execution form, but always with intention to fortify the mind, to live the present moment, and to control the body, so that let us can be more healthful. Additional information at Anna- Belknap supports this article. I want that you understand that the habit of meditar is one practical one, and as all practical, needs devotion and commitment, with the time you go to perceive, that the mind will enter automatically in meditating state when it will be overloaded of problems and conflituosos thoughts. Meditar is a mental exercise, that takes in them to observe the ways of the mind, and as it functions ahead of the present moment; You already perceived the great difficulty that all we have to be without thinking about nothing? It tries to be at least some few seconds without thinking absolutely about nothing, and you will see that it is not easy task, our mind you polish of twig in twig as if travesso was a monkey, therefore the first technique who I go to teach consists of educating the body, to teach to our machine human being the practical one of the meditation. For assistance, try visiting Ken Kao.


For it the frustration of these necessities leads to the lack of adaptation and the serious psicopatologias. 4. Jorge Perez has plenty of information regarding this issue. Necessity of auto-esteem: They are the related necessities with the way for which the individual if sees and if it evaluates. They involve the auto-appreciation, the autoconfiana, the necessity of social approval and of respect, status, I sanction and consideration, reliable before the world, independence and autonomy. The satisfaction of these necessities leads the autoconfiana feelings, reputation, of value, force, sanctions, to be able, capacity and utility.

Its frustration can produce feelings of inferiority, weakness, dependence and abandonment that, in turn, can lead to it I discourage or the compensatory activities. 5. Necessities of auto-accomplishment: They are the necessities raised human beings more and that they are in the top of the hierarchy. They are the necessities of each person to carry through its proper potential and of autodesenvolver, using continuously talentos, carrying through its potential. This if generally express trend through the impulse of the person to be overcome always more than what it is and to come to be everything what it can be. According to theory of the hierarchy of necessities of Maslow, it estimates the following aspects: 1.

When an inferior level of necessities is only satisfied or adequately taken care of it is that the level immediately more raised appears in the behavior. In other terms, when a necessity of lower level is taken care of, it leaves of being motivadora, giving chance so that a raised level more can be developed. 2. Nor all the people obtain to arrive at the top of the pyramid of necessities. Some people? favours ace life circumstances? they arrive if to worry strong about auto-accomplishment necessities; others park in the necessities of esteem; others still in the social necessities, while many others are busy exclusively with physiological necessities of security and, without they obtain to satisfy them adequately.

The Heart

On the main chakras have heard everything, but few knows that the beginning of these energy vortices located along the spine, as if inside a physical body, and that only five of them (2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in the figure) have access to the front and rear energy body. Chakras directly connected with certain organs and glands of the human body, their functions, as well as the various manifestations of a more subtle plan. Through the chakras by energy information exchange with the surrounding human energies. From the foregoing it is clear that maintaining the health of the chakras in great condition and their harmony is very important for the health and development of the metaphysical qualities. It should be noted that the mechanism of influence of the energy centers through the glands and internal organs by means of vibrations on man's ability to metaphysics, the science has not been studied, but the effect is proved. The main seven chakras are for us the greatest practical interest, so information on them for clarity in the table.

Tables and figures watch # 4akr As the table shows, there are some contradictions in the context of the specific manifestations of the chakras intuition and emotion. For me personally in this matter Toltec teaching preferred. To be aware and careful, we can see that the strong emotions raised it from the zone of the solar plexus. Confirmation that a person receives information from the unmanifest through the heart chakra is the experience of displacement, "the assemblage point," which, in essence, is the heart chakra.

Diverse Factors

Therefore the character is formed through diverse factors, such as the trends, social and physiological factors and is revealed by the man, voluntarily, in sight of the values for it received or elaborated. The manifest character through social activities, with moral and ethical implications. When the individual is deceptive, steals, sequestra, kills, among others, shows negative traces of the character. Already when it is proud, egoistic, irresponsible, raging, etc, mainly demonstrates its also negative characteristics of personality. A character, under the psychic point of view, can be good or bad, firm or weak and when the predominant characteristic is negative, the fight against this trend is enormous and with a firm decision it only is that the individual obtains to change or to improve its character and this it obtains making one ‘ ‘ reform ntima’ ‘. Already for Guimares, inside of the vision of the TVP, it affirms: character is a set of trends, good and bad, talentos and defects that we bring inside inlaid of our personality to the rising. It is I make rancio as it viscous of our previous personalities.

3Freud, 1961, P. 83 4 Fromm, 1964, P. 81 the door If you open a door, you she can or not enter in a new room. But, if you to win the doubt, the fear, and to enter, of the one great step: in this room it is lived. But, also, it has a price are innumerable other doors that you discover.

The times one is tanned a thousand and. The great secret is to know when and which door must be opened the life is not rigorous It propitiates errors and rightnesss the errors can be transformed into rightnesss when with them if it learns does not exist security of the perpetual rightness. The life is generous to each room that if lives, uncovers as much other doors.

News Discoveries

In addition to all of the above, the results of observations – these people have exacerbated what we call intuition. "Do not go to the store, it is still open" – casual, not looking up from his computer game. In reply to question "How do you know?" – just phlegmatic shrug. Such cases of "guessing" of some small events can become quite a regular occurrence. Apparently one of the consequences of mutation is a worsening sensitivity up to psychic level. So we can assume that in our time abilities of psychics have been very, very many, though not aware of this because of the materialistic education and natural skepticism. Therefore there is good husbandry for a living to those involved in "the disclosure of super-powers" by collecting a variety of seminars, courses. All the laurels of what the average person for several days gained the ability to sensorics, gets the great teacher, master, owning a unique technique.

While in fact they are just open people's eyes to what they already are. So it is more appropriate to create not courses on "how to activate the ability, and school" how to use them in everyday life. " Based on the latest discoveries of modern physics about the existence of physical vacuum, which implies a unified theory energy-information field that gives a scientific interpretation of the fact that earlier belonged to the category of mysticism, the idea that we are all slowly becoming psychics not so crazy as it might seem. If you far from the news of science, I think you will be very interesting unbelievable news that worldwide are already developing and research on obtaining energy from the vacuum, yielding new results and discoveries.

America Galileo

And most importantly listening – it is expensive, that would be all the events of the day he just wanted to tell you, to share only with you, what would you have for him indispensable. After reading all this you probably raises the question: "Why do I need to adjust, be different? And did he say? And why not? "- But because the man made differently. If he were three times intelligent, educated, intelligent – but he's a man. In his genes since their ancestors founded the instinct of conquest. You know at least one woman who went to a trip to conquer new horizons? Columbus discovered America Galileo laid the foundation of astronomy, Amundsen, Przewalski … .. Men are attracted by the unknown.

You know at least one woman who went to war raided? It is the prerogative of all men. Great poets – Pushkin, Yesenin …- all our men. But all these deeds they have done for us and for us. If after marriage you have to become her husband read the book, he simply loses interest in you. But there are so many walks of young, long-legged, not the conquered, unknown women. And here and there is temptation to try to win this or that, because him you will not wonder if he knows you, knows your reaction to this or that. Therefore, it is often necessary to play, admire, saying that he best in order to preserve the family and the father of the children. But we shall not reach it, although advice and banal, but occasionally need one, but during the spoken word! Instruction number 2.