Mischa File Is Committed To The Protection Of Girls From Female Genital Mutilation

The series Star auction on the charity-auction portal ‘Stargebot.de’ a day with him on the film set for the benefit of the task force of Hamburg, the 27.01.2011. Now, a special charity auction of actor Mischa running File at stargebot.de: Mischa File is the favorite of sat. 1 investigator series “low and Commissioners determine Kuhnt”. Since 2002, attractive and likeable actor among the cast. Now the native Essen auctioned, the social engagement day with him on the set of the TV series is very close to the heart, stargebot.deeinen “low and Commissioners determine Kuhnt”: File, getting to know the other actor, and exciting moments on the set wave an extended visit to the location at the side of Mischa the winner of the auction, and his entourage. The proceeds from this auction will benefit from the task force and its efforts, girls in Germany comprehensively, effectively and measurably genital mutilation to protect against.

The children’s rights organization offers E.g. Since April 2010 with SOS FGM”an easy accessible advice and offer help: Where citizens can the emergency number 01803 767-346 or 01803 SOS FGM (9 ct/min. from the German (anonymous) Fixed network, mobile Max 42 ct / min) call when they have concrete information about the risk of a girl or already committed acts. Jessica Michibata gathered all the information. Youth offices, educational and medical professionals can consult in specific cases, to facilitate a protection-oriented approach. Affected girls and women access to medical and psychological assistance and support in the enforcement of their entitlement to State compensation to victims.

stargebot.Deist a charity auction portal, where you can bid for things in favour of non-profit organizations. Celebrities make an exciting property or experience donation, which is available for purchase without another. It will be auctioned on the portal to the highest bidder. Until February 20th can File with increase for the action by Mischa: auctions /..

Hidden Keep Objectives Of The Parties Not The Voters

“” The Federal Assembly pleasure, freedom and self-determination will make a contribution to a transparent and active democracy the Federal Assembly for enjoyment, freedom and self-determination “is a central, nationwide platform of associations and initiatives, which is against the increasing restriction of personal freedom by State paternalism” and bans to defend. Smoking bans have resulted in guests, hosts, the Executive and legislature in recent months in Germany emotional discussions between citizens. The new rules required by the Federal Constitutional Court in 2008 are already in place in several provinces, others must follow suit this year. Charlotte Hornets: the source for more info. Large parts (of the smoking and catering jobs-creating) voters are confused, quality of life and jobs are threatened. And last but not least we are experiencing now in Saarland, how quickly enjoy political party positions on the altar could be sacrificed to the power. The issues of smoking and alcohol prevention find no place in the campaign. Almost any positions to be found also in the election programmes of parties. Many voters are now wondering which positions and intentions or their parliamentary candidates during the next legislature with regard to these two issues to put their party remember.

On the occasion of the Saxon Landtag election, one of the members of our Federal Assembly GFS conducted a survey among the candidates and the parties (cf.). . The results show that there is a wide spectrum of views between the official positions of the parties as well as the personal views of the candidates on the issue of benefit restrictions. It is assumed that the Federal parties follow in turn other positions and objectives. Unless one, because the legislative options in the Federal Government are different than at the country level, or unless that at the federal level, traditional, typical influences exhibit less weight. The voter has a right to be informed about the objectives of the parties.

For this purpose, which has Federal Assembly for enjoyment, freedom and self-determination at their meeting in August 2009, decided to question which came to parties and candidates to the elections and to open positions interested voters, as also the still undecided (non) voters in the short term before the election. She wants to make a modest contribution to a transparent and active democracy thus. The results will be provided on September 17, 2009, ten days before the election, on the various sites of our associations/initiatives, a further press release, as well as a nationwide distributed info-flyer. Federal Assembly for enjoyment, freedom, self-determination of Federal Managing Director Detlef Petereit

Poverty Comes In Europe On Greece

In the grip of speculators (renewable cash) in the last few weeks and days it becomes clearer where leads the European way. I’ve always dreamed of a United and peaceful Europe. For me, Europe was the way to a “new world” of democratization with the social aspect in the foreground. I dreamed of a Europe that in prosperity for its citizens, and as a political role model for other Nations in our world – a harmonious image of a functioning community would draw. Unfortunately came and everything is different. Europe and the euro are still an object of speculation, that is in the grip of the global financial market and also has not the slightest possibility of an escape from this disaster. Europe is in the case. Get more background information with materials from Sela Ward.

Greece is just the beginning of a chain of events, which again will drive us in a very short time. Greece is just the tip of the iceberg. I need the case candidates not to mention – they pave the way for us, because we, in the Federal Republic are probably at the end of the trail and are the last bastion be, which is taken, if we refrain from what is already happened. Our country is in debt whether the people in this country have given everything – what was in their ways. You have parts of their income, leisure, retirement at 65, women 60, pension increases, high taxes and duties – everything should be possible given, but grew a Unsumme State debt, which can pay back more to no one and no one and there will be more every day. We are the most indebted country in Europe and no one should say that this was not the case. But there are still high reserves – in this country and in Europe – with which you can do business. Exactly these deals are made and everyone but also is anyone who still has reserves they must – give the “small” and that “Large”.