However below the first 10 raw delights that is lying on the grass (perhaps crushed or) chewed by some other animal), you’ll want to soon begin testing a little more nutritious food. Therefore, if you get ready to spend a few days of camp, carrying some pots metal (pots and or pans) to cook some dishes warm, also delicious. I have between my camping equipment, a pot that is also pan, and flatware are attach to the handle. A gem, and lightweight. 3 Food one or several campers who plan their camp experience for several days, should carry enough food for the time in which his adventure lasts. They should carry enough water bottled, also food instant, such as canned food, dehydrated or freeze-dried foods. This advice should be followed for campers without ability to hunt or fish. Freeze dried chicken and rice (another article I mention what is), along with canned sardines and some breadsticks go well with fish that you pesques, birds that you catch (all birds and almost all fish are edible), or with the boar you caces (wow, (you know game, isn’t it?).
4 Elements of sleep comfort as well as bag and store, one can transport any item that is in your House, and that can carry without problems (please, don’t carry the portable TV). Please present you go camping you will be on a site that will be your home away from home. Therefore it is wise to go camping, enjoy the most comfortable possible. If you can fit it in your backpack and does not weigh much, take blankets, a heater suitable to apply within a tent (careful with this!), lamps, lanterns, toiletries, solution for contact lenses, sunscreen, books, etc. Nor it is necessary that your puppy to stay and not go with you. As long as you can manage everything concerning the needs that will have outdoor, leave aside label that dictates that the campers are only human beings. It makes two seasons went alone, without my family, but with my dog, to a wooded place.
Indelible memories that was! Camping is a habit fun for those who want a break from the hustle and bustle of life daily. What other way to have a bit of peace and tranquility, which find them while you enjoy the outdoors and go camping? Doubly better if you’re ready for the trip isn’t it? It would be good for me to leave a comment on this article you have just read, and also tell me a little bit and tell me what is your main frustration when organising an experience to go camping. I’ll be personally answering your questions and comments.