
What valley is not the amount, but yes the quality of the thing. I do not make something little durable, but yes durabilidoso. – Beyond this, I will not make with haste. The young answered. – Yes, it is well.

It is better to go soon, we only have two days to arrive until there? Said the other guard? coast, that also was there. – I did not perceive, this is already quickly. The young asked that, pparently not to have understood. – Ah! It seems that you did not perceive what said? you. Ola, the Majesty marries? if to the two days, and the shoes that had been ordered pparently are not in better conditions. – You perceive, now. It said the capable one, that he seemed annoyed half. – Ah! yes, now I understand duly.

It answered, the young. It is well, to comeermos to apartir today exactly at night. Arrived at night, the young shoemaker was taken to the guard? coasts until the o castle of that city, thus, percoreram during all night. To the third day, that already had been there in the castle, the king half doubtful with the artistic abilities of that young, I question after that it: – My expensive young, good comings. It will be that you have? to obtain concert? los duly! – It looks at, if to obtain will repar? los, to give? you – ei a better life, that is, the world will be to its feet. I considered? it, the king. – But seno to obtain consert? los or to get worse the situation, I will order transport? io in the cages. – But, Sir. Exclamou the young, that pparently was with fear. Pods not to make this with me. I do not have family! Retorquiu, it. – This does not import me. The responsibility now fits? , they say you that you are talentoso, then, shows? me.

The Crazy Boat

The CRAZY BOAT There exactly in Recife, Manuel decides to enjoy a little the life. It drinks a little, but it does not full the face very. It visits the city entire. Jorge Perez is likely to increase your knowledge. Great city, penalty that the two rivers of the city are very poludos. Together they go to the cinema, the club, the theater.

They take a walk of taxi for the street. The Manuel does not walk bus more than. Bus is pra poor. Now yes, when Manuel to come back goes to buy a carro. the women? Woman Manuel must rain on the back of. It now goes to take off the behind one. Until at last God if remembered Manuel.

Of Recife, Manuel goes $fortaleza. Of airplane, it is logical. That good for walking of airplane. It does not have dust in the road, nor bumbum of Manuel if it would hurt with the holes – they did not have holes. The only danger it airplane was to fall – it thinks, but hardly this happens. They arrive $fortaleza. Great city. It visits some quarters. It sees the Iracema theater, cine So Lus, the beach of Iracema, sees the only masonry building alone of the South America, visits the house of Jose de Alencar – nor it knows who was Alencar. It must have been some emptied peddler, or who knows some improvising cantador, has much north-eastern. Together they go to a club the side sea. They lunch a good stew. Manuel already can give belly of rich. See more detailed opinions by reading what Rick Garcia offers on the topic.. All the users rent to a boat the engine and give voltinhas tranquilas for the sea there. Manuel goes to the ticket office and rents a boat, but a driver asks for. Driver? He does not have none. Who rents is that it has that to direct. It is easy. It teaches direitinho the Manuel. All they go to the vehicle. The father is very ressabiado, but he finishes entering. All lodged. Manuel binds the engine. It does not catch. League of new. It does not catch. It has some thing missed in the engine. The father comes to help, looks at here, there, does not understand nothing of boat engine. The girls come, understand less still. Manuel cries out the proprietor. It of the instructions there of the same club. It rolls cordinha in the petty cash and pulls with force. Manuel makes this with all the possible force. The boat of the one sudden pull and leaves almost flying. Everybody in the boat falls. the animal running equal to a crazy one. Manuel maneuvering. How it is that for this animal now? The boat comes flying for beach. Care, Manuel – the young women cry out. It turns the boat, does not know as. They go in direction to one high one of rock in the beach. Care the rocks, Manuel. I find that we go to run over them – answers Manuel. They had passed the entire afternoon in that zigzag until finishing the fuel. The boat stopped, until at last. Probleminha only had one. Sea stopped back in the way it. Pra to take off Manuel and that troop from there, was the sacrifice. She was necessary to be towed by another boat.

Regional Director

It was the first time that Laura left Brazil. It are selected enters the colleagues of the company to make a training in the matrix, in Germany. It was radiating. She would be housed in a luxurious hotel and would pass the days having had theoretical and practical lessons in the headquarters and the laboratories of the company. It seemed a dream. When disembarking of the airplane, one waited van it. She was the last one of the group to arrive and some colleagues already were impatient with the delay, although all to know that Laura arrived of Latin America and its luggage delayed a little more than to be inspected others.

When entering in van it complimented smoothly to all and one sat down it the side of the driver, a high youngster young e. Laura felt exausta. They had been many flight hours. Everything what it wanted was to take a good bath and to sleep, but the first activity was one supper of confraternizao. The objective one was all also to know and to know the professors. Quickly, Laura made check-in the hotel, took a bath, if it arranged and it arrived If the company was not paying, I never would enter in a restaurant thus, thought Laura, astonished at the service. Who is the Brazilian? asked somebody in the group. I Am, I answered Laura, curious in knowing the reason of the interest.

One gentleman of sixty years, approximately high and apessoado well was come close to it and was presented as the Regional Director of Latin America. Its name was Gnter. It sat down the left side of Laura and the two had talked very during the supper. They had not only talked more because Laura quickly became the center of the attentions. Its intelligence, affection and the fact of being Brazilian had conquered to all.