Understand Poetry & Poem Interpretations

Interpretations of the poem are a Bugbear for most students. The lyric database promises to attack the helpless students on this subject under the arms. In June 2007, Dirk Niemeier started the project lyrik.antikoeperchen.de. The lyric database is specialized in interpretations of the poem and is designed to support both students and teachers. Especially students of the gymnasiale Oberstufe find valuable ideas for their homework in terms of the poem interpretation such as amazing powerful to Goethe’s or the insane by Georg Heym. Numerous poems from various periods are already in this extensive lyrics database. And still growing.

Here you will find analyses and interpretations of well-known works. The Panther by Rainer Maria Rilke, the God of the town of Georg Heym, farewell of Joseph von Eichendorff and many more. The authors of the interpretations are mostly students or students. In a question-answer forum Marc Lasry was the first to reply. People who love poetry and understand. But the lyric database has still more to offer. It contains interesting Background information on the individual lyrical works, as well as information about the respective poets.

There are also periods descriptions with information about the historical background. What was discovered in the epoch or invented, as was the political situation? Who wants to know more, find here links. Even a discussion of the construction and understanding of the interpretation of a poem is not missing on this page. And all this information around the poem, are provided free of charge by the operator. The website is clear and nicely built. A clear layout makes it easier to search. So, an interpretation, for example,

Adept Consult AG With A New Structure On The Board – Dr. Sousan Shah Zeidi

Dr. Sousan Shah Zeidi focuses on sales and new markets Frankfurt, March 24, 2012, with a restructuring of the Executive Board supported the adept AG consult their growth strategy, which is focused on increased sales activity and the development of new markets. To do this, Dr. Sousan Shah Zeidi leaves the Board of Directors of the company for four years and focuses on the new opportunities and challenges, caused mainly by the introduction of payments in Germany. As provider and consultant for information logistics and business intelligence, expected the adept a huge demand for solutions for the E-balance consult AG cross-industry and forecasted tremendous growth opportunities in the coming years. In the future make Klaus Beck-Dede as CEO and Arne-Steffen Dehler as COO with a dual leadership Board of the adept consult AG. While Klaus Beck-Dede will be responsible for corporate strategy, as well as the scope of service & market first and foremost, whereas Arne-Steffen Dehler is primarily control the scope of delivery.

With I can use my new focus even more energy, to promote the growth of the company in the sectors in which we were active only on the edge. While banks and insurance companies are still our most important clients, but with the introduction of the E-account balance, our solutions and our expertise to companies in other industries are very attractive”, Dr. Sousan Shah Zeidi reported that since 2005, consult AG is partner of the adept. Before joining the Board in March 2008 she was consult resources, finance and administration in a leading position in adept head of human. The company would like to on female leaders continue also after the departure of Dr. Shah Zeidi from the Executive Board and be an attractive employer for women. To consult AG, for example, various flexible work schedules for employees in the boardroom offers the adept.

Dr. Shah Zeidi now assumes a new task, is for us a clear statement for growth and successful integration of female executives in an industry that is currently more dominated by men in management”, explains Klaus Beck-Dede. We hope that this more women are motivated to undertake such responsible duties. You may want to visit Marc Lasry to increase your knowledge. Also we would like to encourage other companies in our industry, to fill important positions with employees.” The adept consult AG is a supplier of solutions for information logistics and business intelligence, specializing in the areas of accounting, controlling & finance, and asset management. With, the company offices in Frankfurt and London offers innovative software solutions that lead to sustained improved profitability and processing for more than 25 years. With a focus on automation of processes, adept helps its customers consult to higher data quality, greater transparency, and increasing efficiency. The customizable and powerful software solutions, which is the risk of projects by existing “” Sustainably reduce functionalities can be, added the company to comprehensive services in the areas of tax & finance “and asset management”. The adept consult AG include Allianz, Credit Suisse, the DWS, the AmpegGerling and the Wustenrot numerous clients include building society. Contact: adept consult AG Klaus Beck-Dede (Board of Directors) Mainzer Landstrasse 191 60327 Frankfurt Tel: 069-3660070

Staff Talks

Evening workshop: ‘staff talks succeed in sales in crisis / Entwicklungsfall’ at the guardian in Remscheid, maybe you know as a sales executive this or similar situation: A quarter coming to an end and a look at the sales and earnings figures of your sales team does not bode well: at the precise look at the statistics, you notice that your long and the otherwise so successful seller Mr X. does not reach the numbers for some time, is he able to afford and you had envisaged that within the framework of target agreement conversation with him in the eye. What happened with Mr X.? He pushes into the power low? You know these or similar situation? You wonder sometimes how to with the employees in this case should best deal or speak? Within this hands-on evening workshops, you will receive answers to your questions. Learn more on the subject from Tony Parker. Because case involved we examine together how can do you best employee conversations, if your or Their sales staff the no longer reach announced sales figures. How to communicate, if you determine that your seller is, for example, in the low of form of, obviously hardly the existing cross / up-selling exploits potential customer or easily demonstrable conclusion weakness shows? “Exactly to these or similar questions we will develop strategies and procedures on this evening, which enable you as a leader, staff discussions in such crisis management / development cases” to make more individual and more targeted. “” Following topics are on the agenda for this evening: principles and rules for a successful appraisal interview in sales the sales leadership as effective questioner “successful design of staff meetings in the crises/Entwicklungsfall” individual case handling of your examples from the practice place: Mercure Hotel Remscheid Hunter forest 4 42897 Remscheid date: Wednesday, 31.01.2011 18-21:30 your post: 69 (including Conference documents, certificate of attendance, Drinks, snacks) the costs payable to invoicing application: for the registration, please send an email with the subject “Evening workshop Remscheid” to: we you immediately send after receiving your E-Mail the registration form as well as the seminar announcement. In addition receive the registration form, as well as the seminar invitation directly under the following link:..

Bernhard Leitgeb

This one-day workshop provides the key to the secret of successfully and meets implemented ideas. NLP + cmore means thinking people and make guessing value action, so they met implement their ideas into action. To get to your destination, you need the appropriate means of transport, the right drive and you must know where you want to! At the one-day NLP and cmore PUR on April 10, 2010 in the beautiful castle of Mattsee participants get the drive for their ideas and get valuable development in among others Yvonne van Dyck BBs: the Mag(net)IC feelings. Tony Parker shines more light on the discussion. There is now, the book by Karl Gamper success is human”for free. This day is valuable in the truest sense of the word. Hear from experts in the field like Tony Parker for a more varied view. The participants discover their most valuable source of strength and the key for a successful life! Light contact learn to establish how to communicate well even in difficult situations, and can better manage the own moods. With fun, joy and pleasure to even better meet and maintain this new single and prospects is the motto of the day. The participants learn to sharpen their senses and even more by the owner of the brain to be the brain user.

This workshop is a prerequisite to LOOP your id, mag(net)ic selling, NLP + to cmore practitioner visit. On this day, getting to know the drive is carried out, loop your id experience the ideal means of transport to be successful and meet implemented ideas. With the NLP and cmore practitioner is the means of transportation fine tuned, so that goals are achieved elegant, simple and effective, successful, fulfilled. The next deadline for the one-day workshop-NLP and cmore is pure on April 10, 2010 in the Mattsee Castle. “The new idea: participants will receive the book by Karl Gamper success is human” for free. Press contact: id institute consulting gmbh 4 NLP 2 cmore Furth 60 A-5231 Schalchen Austria contact person: Yvonne van Dyck and Bernhard Leitgeb email: info(at)id.co.at Tel. + 43 7742 61116

Target Achievement – Regardless Of Time And Place

Want to reorient professionally, change, and develop? “Their answer is most likely Yes, but when and where and how should I deal with even that”. Quite simply: Start with online coaching and achieve your goal regardless of time and place. Coaching is an intensive, systematic and results-oriented process. In online coaching, the Internet is used for the trustful dialogue between coach and Coachee, what already is no longer indispensable for many of their professional and work life. Online-coaching supports seeking advice people to overcome difficulties, E.g. unhealthy relationship between effort and result in the clarification of objectives, E.g. corporate realignment or overcoming current concerns, such as conflict with an employee. The coaching process begins with an initial interview, this is usually free of charge.

It then describes the current situation and the target defined. It then becomes more difficult when working out of the motif, which paralyzes unconsciously or promotes. The Coachinganliegen is for the person, the team and the company in four perspectives structured, technical and field competence, organization and flow control, the social and personal competence and strategic competence”(Fischer-EPE, 1994). Also the overall context is cleared and then finally paths can be described, which lead to the goal with the help of tools. The coaching process ends, if the goal is reached.

Therefore, the results are measured after a reasonable time. What distinguishes the online coaching now however by the presence coaching? Why is online coaching in vogue? The biggest advantage of online coaching is undoubtedly the independence of time and place. What does that mean? You need not more looking for an appointment in your calendar, but you can formulate out whenever you have desire and time, that what you just busy. Travel expenses and time therefore fall away. And you will see that some difficulties in writing be solvable. You can as long Take time as you want and need. Presence coaching, there is always a visible person, this one is easily distracted by appearance, gestures and facial expressions. When writing your request you can concentrate fully on themselves, take breaks, read already communicated, rethink, complement and deepen. Written expressing relieved, creates distance to the concerns, structured, sorted and repeatedly supported the self-reflection. On the other hand forces the writing stance and come to the point. This intensity simplifies and accelerates the achievement of objectives. For the one or it could be other easier to present personally difficult issues about computer-mediated communication, so rather anonymous, as to transmit them directly to a personal contact. Online coaching, the modern form of personal advice in the professional field, offers a number of advantages. Demand in the business-to-business area is high, this is confirmed by Alfons Breu, Managing Director of b2b coach. Due to demand on the part of customers, the Bavaria-based company has decided with the trend of the times to go and next to place online-coaching offer and that coaching with great success. Learn more get you under since 1992 Alfons Breu advises companies in B2B sales, customer loyalty and new business. In 2000, he founded the b2b coach GmbH & co. KG. The company implements sustainable customer loyalty and new business programmes in the customer master. The services include consulting and implementation. The b2b network has two locations in Austria and two locations in Upper Bavaria. B2B-coach GmbH & Co.KG because you need customers!

Interim Manager In The HR Field:

butterflymanager with great selection and competence in the matching at the moment we are addressed very often, when it comes to bridging of vacancies or to a certain expertise in a project in HR”, so Dr. Harald Schonfeld, Managing Director of butterflymanager, an interim management specialist recruitment consultancy. Just the export-oriented industries seem to be more personnel at the moment and need this support in the field of HR. Current usage examples found in national and international recruitment, in the area of compensation & benefits, as well as in the human resources department and as HR business partner. As the current provider study 2011 “of the AIMP (Arbeitskreis interim management provider) shows, the bridging of vacancies with 41% (and rising) is the most important reason to use an interim manager. Even if someone is promoted internally, the company leaves suddenly or is exempted, the resulting work must be made easy and can not long time remain”, noticed Schonfeld. Speed at highest accuracy is therefore a main reason why ask companies for recruitment consultants who are specialized in interim management. The butterflymanager GmbH was founded in 2003 and has a long-standing quality-assured pool of more than 3,500 professional interim managers. As in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland for many years active and specialized interim management provider is butterflymanager professional expertise with best results in the matching”: for all industries and all tasks in the interim management. Contact: GmbH Manager of butterfly interim management services in Germany, Austria, Switzerland Bahnhofstrasse 31 ch 8280 Kreuzlingen + 41-71-6770166 info (at) butterflymanager.com

How Can You Improve Your Career? The Role As A

Discover the possibilities of successful leadership if you are staying within your career already for a long time in the business world, the set is certainly already once you will encounter: leading instead of managing. But what should a leader actually do, if he’s not managed? Of course, this administrative affairs are essential, are essential but not for a good leader. This article describes the roles of important leader, which use no time cards or performance surveys. Leader are a young account manager wanted to motivate their employees. But her problem is that she knew what the employees from her holding: you was someone without experience. But she went to every employee and asked them to teach her the respective job so that she all know. She showed that she is ready to work in all sectors and to help. This motivated their employees very and for this reason they worked harder than before.

Leader care good leadership training can help that Their methods improve supervisors to identify limits appropriate work with. This can simple techniques, such as e.g. MBWA or management by walking around. Such techniques allow it to be present the supervisors for employees and as a result you can interact with them. Thus, the Chief signaled that he actively cares the employees.

This property is very valuable, because a personal connection is priceless. Leader trainers are the leadership training focuses on the role of the coach. He must prepare the game plan. The leader must be able to find the right person for each function to good interim speeches and he must motivate the team, even if the field is muddy and discouraged the score. This Trainer position includes so motivation skills and the ability for individual training of employees. Managers need to know how they communicate adequately praise and censure, and she must discover the best in every employee and continue to develop. Even if a Midfielder with pure talent thrilled it is the coach who developed the team turns out the individual skills, so that the Championship can be won. Leader listen to the supervisors must have an open ear for its employees in everyday work even in stressful times always and foresee also upcoming needs and fears. You must speak directly to the employee and ask if there is something, which is why you must take your time and would have to listen to. Often, employees need to just talk their frustrations of the soul there is often no direct solution to the problem. It must be understood as a process of listening and understanding. They gain confidence if they are successful. It shows so that leaders manage, lead, listen and train must. Solid leadership training helps to learn them with important skills that allow them to put together a working team from the excellent results may result. For more information: programmes/executiveeducation/eol.