The Results

So the answer the what I require? You will be more useful than the how I do it? 3. Focus on what is important in your spirit. Where your spirituality is manifested often happens that wins the largest number of people (including yourself!) A leader will be as effective as his discernment of placing their priorities. And of course, each path is different, however what is a priority for our spirit is reflected in the scope of our success. So that it builds not only strengthen your material stability but your spiritual stability conocerte guides you always to the right direction.

4. Keep your focus on enriching your strengths not to strengthen your weaknesses. Happens that one of the greatest horrors that many people make when working on his personal leadership is to pay more attention to strengthen their weaknesses vs. train through the practice aware that already dominate. Is student of what amaestras already! There is always a next level.

Each one an artist takes in its interior that manifests itself with a unique, in a unique style talent. If your primary focus is to strengthen your weaknesses, your weakness is strengthened, so it makes you weaker. Your weak side is not weak by chance. It is weak because it is less predominant in your actions and personality. And that opens the way to the complementation. Why? Your strength is the weakness of another. And in your way you are student of those others that what trainer and guide those, your not still dominate. Your strong (or more eloquent power) side is that bears any relation with your calling and purpose in life. It is your tool to leave footprint, your legacy, your contribution. Task for your Jornal: make a list of at least 5 topics/areas in your life that you tend to complicate. Get a list of results more desired on your ideal personal leadership. And you want to work commitment. Once complete list tuning by typing: in that way the answer of the first list can sabotage the results from your second list? What do need to? How do you aplicarias your strengths in the realization of what you want? Creates a list of 3 important achievements to perform in the next seven days by applying the four guides of the article. Integrates these four guides in your journal and you really treading immensely rewarding personal expansion lands. Remember that in leadership, there are no shortcuts and there is nothing complicated in mastery.