Intelligence and talents to develop certain activities are certainly wonderful gifts and should be exploited to the maximum, but we must be clear that those gifts without appropriate guidance may not achieve success. Studies have shown that perseverance is an essential element for success, samples have been in thousands of people who achieved a remarkable leadership in your area and reached the conclusion that the common denominator was while employed at his goal. Here we notice several interesting aspects, we can really conclude that successful people are made and not born, although it is true that many innate gifts can help us to achieve our purpose in less time, but before we do lots of practice. The secret of putting too much emphasis on an idea implies that acquires a dexterity in what we do based on practice, but there is another very important aspect and is the use of energy. Andrew Corentt in his book I am happy, I am Rico mentions us the importance of the energy usage properly, action continuous at the same point as well as improve human skills has a much more powerful role and is the tell our mind what we exactly want? When our minds understand our purpose they begin to turn invisible and powerful forces, when the seeds of success gives its first fruits, based on continuous action happens that our inner energy and are targeted strongly our goal such as if it was a laser beam which begins to move forces in the universe to facilitate a path of greatness.
Many people have to face constant energy loss in unconscious way, everytime your mind pays attention to events, people, circumstances that do not help you achieve your goal this translates into loss of energy, i.e. Energy dispersed. Some people find it annoying when it mentions the following, use is for you that information, and most answers, it is that I have to stay informed as well as in a company asks for some information if you they take decisions on base to it, but it is accumulated paper, said in a more drastic way is rubbish. Then to achieve the success you want to and culminate the goals proposed to concentrate information based on your wishes if something does not serves as a discard it, with persistent action you will see how the doors are opened and all barriers are disappearing, why it should be recalled that only with well-run strategies a great success is achieved. The inner energy that you have is not infinite as it is mentioned in the book the secret of the power of goals so it is necessary to give full attention to his purposes, time continuing his accelerated journey, depends on each of us use them correctly.